The good people at SamuraiCast have received an early glimpse at the upcoming Bandai America Product Sheet, which contains some new and interesting Megaforce toys:
*The “Vulcan Zord Cycle,” using Robo Knight’s main weapon as another Zord attachment.
*The “Ultra Dragon Saber” which (if source material is any indication) will unlock Megaforce Super Modes.
*Previously-confirmed “Gosei Ultimate Megazord” targeted for Fall 2013.
And a wide variety of action figures, including special updates to classic characters like Red & White Ranger with removable armor!
Paladin says
The good people at SamuraiCast have received an early glimpse at the upcoming Bandai America Product Sheet, which contains some new and interesting Megaforce toys:
*The "Vulcan Zord Cycle," using Robo Knight's main weapon as another Zord attachment.
*The "Ultra Dragon Saber" which (if source material is any indication) will unlock Megaforce Super Modes.
*Previously-confirmed "Gosei Ultimate Megazord" targeted for Fall 2013.
And a wide variety of action figures, including special updates to classic characters like Red & White Ranger with removable armor!
Uppercaseccc says
I miss the stupid gumball thing on the stupid gumball sword, and that is all I have to say on this matter
cb1 says
where is plastice glob part to sword
ZeoRangerV says
coturos says
i kinda like the way the sword looks
Golden King says
Wondr pluse the for bikes, mabey we can get a seperet Megazord without buying doubles of any one
toughfighter83 says
i actually like the sword, it's better than trying to open the sphere up and getting to the headders, im not sure if the headders are removable or not, they would be a downside of it because you cant play as the remaining four ultramode rangers.
WhiteRanger says
GoseiWonder says
Our Gosei Tensword has no giant globe for the Headder? Awww, no angelic gumball sword.
UNLESS! The globe isn't part of the toy used in the photo but is still included in the final release!
Or the globe was removed for some safety reason that exists in the US but doesn't in Japan.
Probably that last one.
Barricade64 says
I didn't expect to see Gosei Wonder. I may grab those removable armor Red and White Rangers, even though they're roided out.
Keep reading: Megaforce Toy Listings: Gosei Ultimate, Ultra Dragon Sword, Vulcan Zord and More! - Page 2
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