Ever wondered what it’ll be like to work for Shocker?
On May 26th, Toei announced they will be holding a special recruitment event open to the public in Tokyo’s Shinagawa Prince Hotel. Admission will be 1000 yen and will be from 10:00 AM and 5:00 am, and attendees will leave with a present which will act as prove that you are a member of Shocker.
While the details on the audition itself remain a mystery, we do know that Shocker is looking for three specific types of characters:
Shocker Fighter A: an average guy who’s daily routine includes collection information on the Internet.
Shoker Fighter B: A tall and skinny Internet addict with the nickname “Bean sprout” whom admires Bill Gates.
and Shocker Fighter C: A short pudgy guy and self proclaimed Gourmet hunter who’s been thinking about dieting and enjoys making terrible puns.
A special promotional video has for this event has been released, in addition the main Website has also opened.
Ever wondered what it’ll be like to work for Shocker?
On May 26th, Toei announced they will be holding a special recruitment event open to the public in Tokyo’s Shinagawa Prince Hotel. Admission will be 1000 yen and will be from 10:00 AM and 5:00 am, and attendees will leave with a present which will act as prove that you are a member of Shocker.
While the details on the audition itself remain a mystery, we do know that Shocker is looking for three specific types of characters:
Shocker Fighter A: an average guy who’s daily routine includes collection information on the Internet.
Shoker Fighter B: A tall and skinny Internet addict with the nickname “Bean sprout” whom admires Bill Gates.
and Shocker Fighter C: A short pudgy guy and self proclaimed Gourmet hunter who’s been thinking about dieting and enjoys making terrible puns.
A special promotional video has for this event has been released, in addition the main Website has also opened.
I hear Shocker has a great health care systems guys.
That is if you don't mind being a guinea pig for horrific science experiments
I would if I wa anywhere near Japan
i'd sign up for that in a heartbeat
If DaiRiderRX's avatar has taught me anything, it's that Shocker comes with Ramen. Sign me up.
I assume this means I get to become an awesome animal/human hybrid?
And I get to use a salute that was badass across time and space until the Nazis ruined it for everyone?
Sign me up.
Oh my god Shocker is trying to make their own Nossan
Is this a normal thing? Or is this tied into something they're doing with the show/movies?
Man, this down economy is hurting everybody.
Can't possibly be any worst then the job I have now....
Guess I will practice my YEEEEE!!!! And hailing
Keep reading: The Evil Shocker Seeks new Members! - Page 2
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