The annual Halloween Special for Power Rangers airs this morning/afternoon (depending on which coast you’re on) on Nickelodeon!
We have a thread open with polling to determine what YOU thought of the episode! Come join in the discussion!
Raising Spirits airs TODAY at 1pm EST on Nickelodeon!
Sentai says
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Golden King says
not sure how I feel about this one, it was a clip show but it wasn't the worst
Sentai says
Voted good. It had the right balance of being a filler clipshow, and an original holiday episode. And it was nice to see them adapt the Eri Bakes a Cake Episode.
But uh... I think the Phoenix just sexually molested that monster
Dormamu says
Oh, great. A clip episode.
I eagerly await the day when the final episode airs and we can transition.
However, the banter was better this episode.
I still say the best Halloween episode was Trini with the Ticklesneezer. Now I has a sad.
Sentai....shhhhhh! It's not a bad touch when it's 'tickling'.
Sentai says
Ravenxl7 says
Not bad for a recap/clip episode. Had more new material than most of these kinds of episodes usually have. Was nice to see Emma taking charge with a monster (she's easily my favorite Megaforce Ranger), even if the parr... phoenix mechazord's attack looked a little awkward.
Sentai says
Golden King says
uchihabro77 says
ZeoRangerV says
Keep reading: Power Rangers Megaforce Episode 21 "Raising Spirits" *Evil Laugh* - Page 2
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