You thought it was over? Guess again! Premium Bandai[/URL] has revealed a new Ranger key set, featuring the 37th Super Sentai, Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger!
The set includes the 10 main Kyoryugers, as well as the male KyoryuViolet Key and KyoryuRed Carnival’s key. The keys will not have a sound in the Mobirates, but there will be special “key slots” (like those on the GokaiGun and GokaiSabre) that will be able to make sounds, but with Shigeru Chiba’s voice. Another key and key slot will also be in the set, but both have been labeled as secret for now.
Pre-orders are up now, ending December 2013 with an estimated time of release of March 2014, for the price of 16,200 Yen. If you like collecting keys and bravery, it’s time to go wild!
–Also, at the bottom, a teaser of the Deboss Symbol is shown. Deboss Keys, anyone?
You thought it was over? Guess again! Premium Bandai has revealed a new Ranger key set, featuring the 37th Super Sentai, Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger!
The set includes the 10 main Kyoryugers, as well as the male KyoryuViolet Key and KyoryuRed Carnival's key. The keys will not have a sound in the Mobirates, but there will be special "key slots" (like those on the GokaiGun and GokaiSabre) that will be able to make sounds, but with Shigeru Chiba's voice. Another key and key slot will also be in the set, but both have been labeled as secret for now.
Pre-orders are up now, ending December 2013 with an estimated time of release of March 2014, for the price of 16,200 Yen. If you like collecting keys and bravery, it's time to go wild!
-Also, at the bottom, a teaser of the Deboss Symbol is shown. Deboss Keys, anyone?
EDIT: First post now has more images of the keys!
Let's be honest, it's a pretty obvious secret. What other ranger is there? The fake one, Deathryuger.
So we might get Deboss keys? Or a Torin key?

Seriously, anybody wanna go in for a set of these? I call Red and Female Violet, and Cyan
EDIT- Or deathryuger, forgot him... Id rather have a Torin key myself.
Funny thing is, I posted this in the the rumor thread like a minute or two before you did
Oh come on.
ACTUALLY I also had the entire article written up and was naming images right as he posted it.
Keep reading: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Ranger Keys announced! - Page 2
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