Wanting a piece of the huge success that is the LEGO Movie, competing toy company Mattel (best known for their major properties Barbie, Matchbox, Hot Wheels, and Masters of the Universe) has reached an agreement to purchase Mega Brands, the parent company of construction block company Megabloks, for a cool $480 million dollars. The construction block company Megabloks is best known for their popular series of LEGO-competing construction toys such as the Halo, World of Warcraft, and Power Rangers series of toys. They had also just launched their Call of Duty line for the company.
For fans of construction toys, this now brings a major financial powerhouse to back future projects for Megabloks against LEGO and Hasbro‘s fledgling (and now Toys’R’Us exclusive) KRE-O lines of construction toys. What this means for the future of Power Rangers Megabloks is unknown – it could go on as normal, it could be given increased financial backing, or it could be left behind in favor of promoting Mattel-owend properties such as Masters of the Universe and Hot Wheels.
This story was first reported by our sister site ToyArk.com, but articles can be found all over the Internet now as this deal is all but final. Discuss with us and share your thoughts!
Anytime that a major company purchases another that has licenses with direct competition, there has always been some sort of shake-up in the future. What this means for Power Rangers Megabloks, if anything, is unclear as of right now.
They did the Megaforce Hot Wheels so no big by the looks of it.
I would bet that Mega Bloks will drop all the war themed lines once their licenses run out. Mattel is not a war friendly company.
Huh. I'd add something snarky regarding Matty Club or something, but honestly I don't even consider Mattel worth it.
I can't imagine the Mega Blocks PR line will continue much after this. I can't wait to see what happens, though. This was definitely a surprise.
Frankly, the Megabloks PR line is mostly dead already. It seems like (almost) everywhere but TRU stopped carrying it in brick-and-mortar stores after Samurai.
I don't see them doing much Power Rangers after this. It was fine when Mega Bloks was by itself, but now Mattel is a major competitor to Bandai, I'm not sure they'll co-operate.
yea i dont see them much around ether. but at the same time i hope Leo pick them up if they do end up dropping this line
Prepare for MotU Megabloks that never actually get released.
Keep reading: Megabloks purchased by Mattel - Page 2
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