Our friends over at the TokusatsuNetwork.com managed to have a sit down with Robert Baldwin, the actor who played Kyoryu Cyan the Spirit Ranger on Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger. During the interview, Robert speaks about his time on Kyoryuger as well as whether or not he would ever reprise the role for Power Rangers Dino Charge, plus tons more. Please check out the original article by clicking here. The interview is shown below.
He played Kyoryu Cyan.
Check it! Thanks to the Tokusatsu Network for the interview. Check the link for their write up.
Robert Baldwin. Awesome dude.
Robert Baldwin (Gordo from Sazer X and Ramirez/Kyoryu Cyan I) is a pretty cool guy. I really hopes he gets to be in Dino Charge soon.
I'd love for him to be in Dino Charge somewhere, he seems like a really cool man.
I doubt Saban's cheap ass is gonna bring Robert Baldwin over for Dino Charge too, but it would be really cool and unique if they did that.
I'd think it'd be the first toku adaptation to have an actor from the original source material show up.
DC has a new and better producer. So there's always hope.
Wow, this guy is great! I was a fan before, but I never really got to see what he did or was like after Sazer X.
Really cool interview, thanks a ton! Surprised at how surprised he was that people outside Japan see this stuff.
A really awesome and insightful interview. Always love it when people talk more in depth about how the industry works.
*fangirl squee*
Can't wait to sit down and watch this in full.
Keep reading: Tokusatsu Network interviews Robert Baldwin - Page 2
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