Check out the Loyal Subjects Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Vinyl Figures on display at San Diego Comic-Con 2014. The Rangers have removable oversized helmets. Included are:
- Red Ranger
- Blue Ranger
- Black Ranger
- Pink Ranger
- White Ranger
- Green Ranger
- Yellow Ranger
- Lord Zedd
Den-O says
Pics to come after 6 PM local time as under SDCC policies.
Thread will be progressively updated.
Legacy Tigerzord- highly poseable, diecast, zord builder compatible. Very nice
Legacy Saba - retractable blade, animatronics, electronic sounds
Legacy Titanus on display
Original MMPR Move Legacy White Ranger Morpher with Tiger and alternate Falcon coins
Power Morphicon Exclusive Ranger key 2 pack with Lightspeed Rescue Titanium Ranger and Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger
losondro says
Thread will be progressively updated.
Legacy Tigerzord- highly poseable, diecast, zord builder compatible. Very nice
Legacy Saba - retractable blade, animatronics, electronic sounds
Legacy Titanus on display
Original MMPR Move Legacy White Ranger Morpher with Tiger and alternate Falcon coins
Power Morphicon Exclusive Ranger key 2 pack with Lightspeed Rescue Titanium Ranger and Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger
WhiteRanger says
Thread will be progressively updated.
Legacy Tigerzord- highly poseable, diecast, zord builder compatible. Very nice
Legacy Saba - retractable blade, animatronics, electronic sounds
Legacy Titanus on display
Original MMPR Move Legacy White Ranger Morpher with Tiger and alternate Falcon coins
Power Morphicon Exclusive Ranger key 2 pack with Lightspeed Rescue Titanium Ranger and Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger
uchihabro77 says
Thread will be progressively updated.
Legacy Tigerzord- highly poseable, diecast, zord builder compatible. Very nice
Legacy Saba - retractable blade, animatronics, electronic sounds
Legacy Titanus on display
Original MMPR Move Legacy White Ranger Morpher with Tiger and alternate Falcon coins
Power Morphicon Exclusive Ranger key 2 pack with Lightspeed Rescue Titanium Ranger and Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger
WhiteRanger says
Also other place have al ready started showing photo
baltmatrix says
There are several pics floating around twitter right now...but you should all wait for what our gang out there will post. I guarantee the pics will be better.
Remember that's 6pm PDT => 9pm EST.
prfctcellrulz says
Well it's cool we're getting RJ's Ranger Key, but what's the deal with the Titanium Key? I thought he was gonna be part of the Morphin Madness pack since he, and Phantom Ranger, were 2 of the winning Rangers.
Are they gonna explain how they're gonna release those keys?
Yellow Ranger says
Posable Tigerzord?!
Infinitevirtue says
MMPR Movie White Ranger morpher?! I think I'm gonna need that along with the Tiger zord and Saba.
Electric Turahk says
Highly poseable Tigerzord? Sounds cool.
Dino Charge Megazord has a purple triceratops? Motherfuckingbullshit.
Keep reading: SDCC Ongoing News Thread! - Page 2
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