We’ve learned quite a few things about the upcoming new Kamen Rider project this week! Now, thanks to The Tokusatsu Network we have a glimpse at Kamen Rider Drive’s most important element- the story!
As previously reported, the enemies of this series are known as Roimyuudo, a species of android-like creatures that wish to become human. Most of the Roiymyuudo are sealed within a digital network and do not have physical forms, although they can control ordinary citizens by forming an emotional connection.
The Roimyuudo Leaders do have physical bodies, and wish to raise an army in rebellion against humans. The main leader is known as Heart and works mostly in shadow to accomplish his goals. Another Roimyuudo called Brains carries out attacks on humans to gain new intelligence that may assist other fighters. A third mysterious villain character, named Chase is said to work alongside the Roimyuudo as a hitman- but there may be more to his story than currently known.
In addition we have learned quite a bit about Kamen Rider Drive- real name Shinnosuke Tomari. A member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department before stepping aside due to personal tragedy, Shinnosuke is re-recruited for the Special Unit to fight the Roimyuudo-receiving the Drive Driver & supercar Trideron to aid him in battle.
The Tokyo MPD Special Unit also consists of
*Kiriko, the technical support expert. Unlike most of the Special Unit she is aware of Drive’s secret identity and as such she can sometimes cover for him.
*Rinna, a physicist in charge of researching the Roimyuudo and maintaining the Special Unit’s technology.
*Kyuu, a network researcher who harbors a secret obsession with the occult.
*Genpachirou, a hostile lieutenant who considers the Special Unit a burden and frequently mocks the other members.
*Tsurutarou, the Chief of Police with years of experience in regular detective work.
*Professor Streinbert, the mastermind behind the Drive technology.
Finally, we have also learned that the series’ theme song, SURPRISE-DRIVE will be performed by Mitsuru Matsuoka– who some fans may recognize as Kamen Rider Eternal!
So far everything about Kamen Rider Drive sounds worth watching! Be sure to tune in on October 5th and see exactly what this new Kamen Rider has to offer!
Here's what we know:
*The Roimyuudo (that appears to be the official Romanization) are android-esque creatures that want to become human. Most of them are locked behind a digital network & don't have physical form, but they can access the real world through humans.
*Two Roimyuudo DO have physical bodies, their leader (named Heart) and his nervous assistant, Brain. They also call on a human known as "Chase," a professional hitman who seems to have some history with the Tokyo PD.
*The series' themesong is "SURPRISE-DRIVE" and will be performed by Mitsuru Matsuoka (some of you may know him as Kamen Rider Eternal).
*Drive operates out of a Special Unit spun off from the regular Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. His support staff includes technical expect Kiriko, physicist Rinna, researcher Kenta, hostile lieutenant Genpachirou and Chief of Police Tsurutarou.
So that means that these Roimyuudo are almost like a combination of the the Imagin and dopants. The ability to possess humans like Imagin and the ability to transform into Kaijin like dopants. (Except instead of Gaia memories, it's viral cores.) Does that sounds about right?
*The Roimyuudo (that appears to be the official Romanization) are android-esque creatures that want to become human. Most of them are locked behind a digital network & don't have physical form, but they can access the real world through humans.
*Two Roimyuudo DO have physical bodies, their leader (named Heart) and his nervous assistant, Brain. They also call on a human known as "Chase," a professional hitman who seems to have some history with the Tokyo PD.
*The series' themesong is "SURPRISE-DRIVE" and will be performed by Mitsuru Matsuoka (some of you may know him as Kamen Rider Eternal).
*Drive operates out of a Special Unit spun off from the regular Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. His support staff includes technical expect Kiriko, physicist Rinna, researcher Kenta, hostile lieutenant Genpachirou and Chief of Police Tsurutarou.
*The Roimyuudo (that appears to be the official Romanization) are android-esque creatures that want to become human. Most of them are locked behind a digital network & don't have physical form, but they can access the real world through humans.
*Two Roimyuudo DO have physical bodies, their leader (named Heart) and his nervous assistant, Brain. They also call on a human known as "Chase," a professional hitman who seems to have some history with the Tokyo PD.
*The series' themesong is "SURPRISE-DRIVE" and will be performed by Mitsuru Matsuoka (some of you may know him as Kamen Rider Eternal).
*Drive operates out of a Special Unit spun off from the regular Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. His support staff includes technical expect Kiriko, physicist Rinna, researcher Kenta, hostile lieutenant Genpachirou and Chief of Police Tsurutarou.
I'm also getting a bit of a Gobusters vibe mixed with G3 from Agito. I'm interested but still a little hesitant to say I'm all in as of right now.
Bring. It. I'm totally on for this. It's not even the suit, or the car, but the whole premise is just squee. Bring on Kamen Knight Rider!
so this is a kamen rider series where the rider is actually a driver? like he doesn't ride a bike?
So the monsters are a combination of Imagin, Dopants and Vaglass and Drive and his unit are similar to Accel and the F.P.D.'s special unit's role from W. I like the combination.
I am startin to like this more and more.
With the whole "separate branch of the police" thing, I get serious G3 vibes.
Keep reading: Drive Story Details Confirmed Via Press Conference. - Page 2
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