One of the coolest things to come out of the entire Power Rangers fandom over the years is that the kids who grew up watching it are now old enough to begin producing their own work – and a lot of them are! Introducing “Teenagers With Attitude”, a self-funded fan film reboot of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, but done in a more modern and (in some cases) realistic setting in regards to the teenagers themselves.
This fan film was written by, directed by, shot by, and edited by Cisco Davis Jr. Check it out below!
I think you’ll agree this was one heck of a fun show. Here’s to hoping Cisco will release a follow up because that is one hell of a teaser at the end! Sound off in the comments your thoughts on Teenagers With Attitude!
TokuChris says
This is sweet! Incredibly well done. Totally want more!
Written and directed by Cisco Davis Jr!
cb1 says
actor play zordon is gone
musicfighter says
I was very apprehensive about this film, and more specifically about how it would go about characterizing the rangers. I'm happy to say that most of my fears were put to rest after seeing this.
The guys all embodied what I see as the spirits of their characters. Zach being playful and familiar with everyone and everything, and just constantly full of energy. Billy, while no longer being the smartest in the group was perfectly soft spoken and non-confrontational, and the history line was nice too. Jason was a person with high moral character. You can tell that honor is a very important value to him, as well as honesty and teamwork. My only gripe with him is that I feel that he really needs to be a martial artist, but I can understand it feeling repetitive if they introduce Tommy sometime down the line and he's a martial artist as well.
Trini was really interesting, and her actress sold it really well, giving her much more of an edge but having her compassion be hidden underneath it. I just need to see more of where she goes.
Kim..... yeah, not feeling it. Yes, the Valley Girl thing is an outdated stereotype but there's still the idea of the hot popular girl that exists and will always exist. Doesn't mean she had to be dumb and spout "like" all the time or anything, but I think the whole journalist aspect was just way off base for the character. Plus, being the smartest takes that away from Billy. Kim had other talents: she was musically inclined and she was athletic. I mean gymnastics are still a thing too.
Backstory with Jason's parents as the astronauts that kind of discover Rita is cool, and adds a nice bit of tragedy. I like Angel Grove being set in Hawaii. The cameos from Kat! and RONALD FROM BEETLEBORGS!!!! made me squee, along with all the other subtle references. Really nice production values for a small independent project like this, and you can tell that lots of love was put in. Some of the side actors were a bit wooden, but the 5 teens all did a great job.
Bring on Zordon!
uchihabro77 says
This was.... okay. It was nice, Im not sure what I expected. I guess more interaction before the crap hits the fan?
Sentai says
I loved it. Very, very, looking forward to finally seeing Zordon of Eltar now.
thunderstrike541 says
That was cool
AlphaGrandCanine says
loved some of the ideas, hated some of the acting, but ton of respect to these guys for sticking to their guns and doing this, i wish them the best
ZeoRangerV says
Well kudos to the guys who made this because they clearly put a lot of effort into in and it really does show, but like that Jason fan film that came out a while ago I can't help but feel I just watched something that completely missed the mark.
I'm all for making changes when they make sense (outdated stereotypes etc) but all the characters felt so weird that they may as well have dropped all the names altogether. Things that are done in name only always just come across as hollow.
Intro was pretty cool, but my eyes rolled so hard once I heard the "he's a Scott" line. Why does everyone need to be destined for greatness these days? Why can't heroes just randomly stumble into these things anymore? Really liked the whole Rita/Finster thing though.
Den-O says
I just really can't seem to care about or invest myself in fan work like this. While I appreciate the effort put into things likes this, I just don't find them to be that interesting.
DJ_MonkieRanger says
Well, on the up side it does garner a reaction, which is what these projects set out to do.
Polarizing as they may be, opinions are their lifeblood.
That said, I have to say that I really liked it. Though, I'm ready for Zordon of Eltar already.
Keep reading: Teenagers With Attitude Fan Film Released - Page 2
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