Kamen Rider Blade is returning with a new Drama CD set to be released next year.
The new audio CD is a brand new epilogue story set days after the last episode starting off with Hajime in a coffee shop taking about his memories and Kenzaki. Second will be about Kenzaki’s encounter at a repair shop while traveling on his bike. Four of the original actors will be returning to reprise their roles in voice form, plus a new character played by voice actor Suzumura Keiichi.
The Kamen Rider Blade Drama CD will be released January 23rd 2015 for 3000 yen, a version released exclusively through animate-onlineshop.jp will have a bonus CD which will include talks with the cast and Suzumura himself.
DrillBIT says
Story will be about the days after the last episode.
1. Hajime, at the coffee shop, talks about his memories about his one and only friend Kenzaki.
2. Kenzaki's encounter at a certain repair shop, while traveling on his bike.
Cast will be the original 4 main MCs plus a teenager played by Suzumura Keiichi.
Release on Jan 23, 3000 yen
Purchase from Animate will receive a bonus CD (talks with the cast and Suzumura)
XW1n5t0nX says
So it's kinda like a radio drama/book on tape?
Den-O says
What the hell would this even be about? Kenzaki sulking alone somewhere while Hajime lives the good life?
Powerman293 says
Can't wait for that nice new audio of "TACHIBANA-SAN!"
DrillBIT says
Startaiger says
I'm waiting for a subbed version.
algo448 says
I find it strange that it takes place so close to the end of the show, but nonetheless, more Blade is good.
Powerman293 says
...Blade has a lot of shouting people's names...
KyoryuGreen says
I think the only line that beats out Tachibana-San in Kamen Rider is Unforgivable in Black and Henshin lol. Otherwise that was the most said name ever lol. Overall I'll be excited if I can listen to it and understand it.
Sunred says
They should have done Kamen Rider Blade 10 Years After T T
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