Bandai.Jp has opened an official page featuring the next Kamen Rider Gaim entry for SH Figuarts– the series’ ultimate villain, Lord Baron!
The super-powered Overlord is a Tamashii Web Exclusive scheduled for release in June 2016. The price is a very modest 6480 yen before shipping and handling fees.
Paladin says
Web Exclusive for June 2016, 6480 Yen
barnstenchfartface says
Looks awesome. A little light on accessories as one would expect, though, unfortunately. Leg articulation also looks rather restricted. And of course, the price is rather high. But it is a beautiful figure. All things considered though I'm not completely sure I'm gonna be getting it, except haha yes I am it's Kaito. Gotta have Kaito.
Talisman says
Sciencefriction says
In like Flynn.
Tokumonkey says
I want to pretend I'll think long and hard before committing to this purchase. This, however, would be a bluff.
Guyver Spawn says
Looks great. Tamashii can take my money now!
Electric Turahk says
Welp. I need him. Glad it's being released.
But it does mean I'll probably have to go back to Nippon-Yasan for this after wanting to stop ordering from them.. Because it's a Gaim release, so the aftermarket's not going to be kind probably.
TokuChris says
Calling Sentai Tamashii.
Matrixbeast says
Looks nice, though the skirt will probably restrict more dynamic poses. Comes with what I expected him to come with. The price is a little steep, but that's not too shocking considering it's exclusive.
pwnd1138 says
Yes! Finally, I've been waiting for this figure ever since this form debut on the show.
Keep reading: SH Figuarts Lord Baron Official Images - Page 2
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