The Netflix CG Anime adaptation of the Ultraman manga releases in well over a month, in preparation for the April 1st, 2019 launch a new trailer for said Anime was recently released online.
This new trailer features plenty of new action sequences, with clips of Ultraman Suit A and Suit Ver.7.5 and a snazzy suit-up sequence.
In the meantime, you can check out the trailer below and be sure to join us in the discussion afterward:
Kiryu says
Kiwami says
The action scenes do look nice, but man that CG-look just isn't doing itself any favors when it comes to the characters. They look so wonky and unappealing.
Interesting to note though, they apparently switched Red King for Black King. Huh.
Kiryu says
Interesting to note though, they apparently switched Red King for Black King. Huh.
But this trailer did sell me on it at least
Kiwami says
But this trailer did sell me on it at least
The Ultraman suits and monster designs look good, mostly because they remind me of videogame cutscenes more than anything, and that I can live with.
But considering what kind of emotions were prevalent in the manga at times - I doubt this style can capture them well.
Still, I'm going to give this a chance because why not, it's on Netflix after all.
Kiryu says
The Ultraman suits and monster designs look good, mostly because they remind me of videogame cutscenes more than anything, and that I can live with.
But considering what kind of emotions were prevalent in the manga at times - I doubt this style can capture them well.
Still, I'm going to give this a chance because why not, it's on Netflix after all.
I don't think it's really an issue when they're fighting, but any clips where the characters are talking definitely looks odd.
Librarian says
Looking better and better.
Makes me want to go read the manga and hope for a live adaptation film series.
Bionichute says
why does the first major ultraman release in the us in a long while have to be based on one of the worst pieces of ultraman media
Guyver Spawn says
I'm not a CG fan, but I do think it can be done right when people know how to use it.
Librarian says
I don't think it's really an issue when they're fighting, but any clips where the characters are talking definitely looks odd.
That's why it looks odd or doesn't seem to match. Because it doesn't and isn't supposed to.
KaijuUltraFan says
I dont' really like animation much but this doesn't look terrible, and it's Ultraman so I'll at least give it a shot.
At least unlike the Godzilla Netflix Anime it seems to have a lot more of the title character. I bet if you added up all the Godzilla footage from the Three Netflix Animes it probably isn't even 15 minutes of Godzilla footage combined.
Keep reading: 2nd Netflix Ultraman Teaser Released Online - Page 2
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