An interesting new bit of merchandise has surfaced based on the classic Super Sentai series Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan!
These figures are the beginning of a new Candy Toy series known as Shodo SUPER, a line of smaller toys very similar to the SHODO line for Kamen Rider. The 3 Sun Vulcan members are fully poseable and include a wide arsenal of weapons.
The Sun Vulcan Shodo SUPER line will be available via Premium Bandai beginning in February 2020! The price for this set of 3 is a modest 5500 Yen before shipping and handling.
Stay tuned to TokuNation for further details on this exciting new toyline! !
Paladin says
it seems the Mecha aren't the only releases on the horizon...
Kurona says
These are Shokugan! They are, I believe, only slightly smaller than Kamen Rider So-Dos; making them extremely comparable to Yu-Dos for the most recent Sentais.
And bloody hell if they don't look high quality.
peacemaker24 says
Feb. release date at 5,000 Yen and a premium release.
Infinitevirtue says
Did the SHF Sentai line die for this? lol. They really do look like they could be shrunken down SHFs if you're not paying attention. Definitely wondering what other teams they may end up doing since they already did Sun Vulcan in SHF.
Blade Raider says
Got the product name from figsoku.
"SHODO SUPER Taiyo Sentai SunVulcan."
gashatfreak says
Whoa. They actually look pretty decent. If these are how we're gonna get Super sentai figures now...
Here's me hoping for the Kyuranger and Akibaranger teams.
Full Thread: Sun Vulcan Candy Toys
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