Another round of magazine scans has begin circulating the Internet, giving fans a few details about the upcoming adventures of Kamen Rider Zero-One!
Events of note this time include-
*A new upgrade for Kamen Rider Vulcan! Thanks to the Rampage Gatling Key, Fuwa gains access to Rampage Vulcan form! This configuration unites the animal powers of 10 previous Progrise Keys– Falcon, Bear, Hornet, Cheetah, Mammoth, Wolf, Gorilla, Shark, Scorpion, and Tiger.
*In service to ZAIA, Kamen Rider Valkyrie will take up the new RaidRiser device and the Fighting Jackal Progrise Key, becoming the Jackal Raider!
*But the biggest detail this month is the return of the renegade HumaGear Jin with a new henshin device- the ZAIA SlashRiser and the new Burning Falcon Progrise Key. The power of Kamen Rider Jin Burning Falcon is awakened to carry on the plans of MetsobuJinrai.Net and bring the world under HumaGear control!
Definitely seems like some exciting times ahead for Zero-One! Stay tuned to TokuNation for all Kamen Rider reveals.
Some of new things:
- Vulcan Rampage Gatling Form
- Jin Burning Falcon Form
- Yua transformed into Jackal Raider
When I said I wanted an upgrade form for Valkyrie, this is not what I meant.
Also looking forward to Thouser vs. Horobi.
Tropes tell me that being dragged down to being a monster means a redemption where she gets a new upgrade... but my cynicism tells me "she's a girl, of course she won't".
Honestly, more than her being a monster; I'm disappointed to see she's still with Gai.
I feel immensely bad for the character, her actress, and anyone who had any hopes in her. That includes me, of course. Teased to be a core rider at the start and then pushed out of focus and now is just the 'monster girl lackey' to someone else. I don't want to direct my frustration towards the character herself... so instead I shall turn it all towards Thouser and pray that everybody, Jin and Horobi included, take turns to beat the pulp out of him.
Horobi vs. Thouser? Sign me up! Altho, I'm kinda worried for Horobi here since we remember that: Thouser > Assault Vulcan > Shining Hopper > Horobi. I'm kinda worried that it's kinda like the Mashin Chaser vs. Another Decade thing where Horobi is hopelessly fighting against someone stronger than him. Man, Horobi has a lot of catching up. But if this means a potential upgrade form for him and possibly a team-up of Jin and Aruto in case he gets captured does get me excited.
Also, is that Ikazuchi on the bottom left of the image on the same page?
Also, honestly, I'm not that mad about Valkyrie turning into a Raider IF it means she'll see more action and characterization. I hope she won't be MOTW thing and would actually serve as a redemption for her. The idea of a rider turning into a Kaijin isn't new (Chalice and Lord Baron) but I'm really interested on where this is going.
Also, is that Ikazuchi on the bottom left of the image on the same page?
Also, honestly, I'm not that mad about Valkyrie turning into a Raider IF it means she'll see more action and characterization. I hope she won't be MOTW thing and would actually serve as a redemption for her. The idea of a rider turning into a Kaijin isn't new (Chalice and Lord Baron) but I'm really interested on where this is going.
And I would very much love to be proven wrong about Valkyrie. I don't have my hopes up, and it wouldn't retroactively make up for how she's been treated thus far, but I would be happy to eat my words...
And I would very much love to be proven wrong about Valkyrie. I don't have my hopes up, and it wouldn't retroactively make up for how she's been treated thus far, but I would be happy to eat my words...
I feel like Horobi will get a new power-up at some point, given that Rampaging Vulcan uses Scorpion (I'm assuming that it also using Hornet and Cheetah is why Yua needs a raid riser).
Yes it is and the hooded figure is here too. The 4 MJ.net bosses all together.
Keep reading: Zero-One March Scans - Page 2
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