Kamen Rider Battle Ride War Creation is the third instalment in Bandai Namco’s Battle Ride War series, and the title was just revealed in the latest issue of Famitsu magazine.
New characters featured in Kamen Rider Battle Ride War Creation will be Drive, Mach, G3X, Knight, Kaixa, Garren, Ibuki, Gatack, Zeronos, Ixa, the Decade version of Kuuga, Diend, Eternal, and of course: Ghost.
Showa Era riders Kamen Rider 1, 2, V3, X, Amazon, Stronger, Sky Rider, Super 1, Black, and Black RX are said to make an appearance but at the moment we don’t know if they’ll be playable or support characters.
The game will e released in Japan sometime in 2016, and will be made avalaible for Playstation 4, Playstation 3, and Playstation Vita consoles.
Paladin says
First trailer now online!
Guyver Spawn says
Bandai Namco announced their Tokyo Game Show 2015 lineup earlier this morning and it seems like Kamen Rider: Battride War Sosei (meaning “Creation” or “Birth”) was listed. So maybe a third Battlrid War is in the works. Possibly for the PS3, PS4 or maybe both consoles.
Looks like nothing is officially announced for Tokyo Game Show 2015 yet, more info should be announce soon.
Edit: It seems like going by the game’s source code, it has PS4, PS3, and PS Vita listed as its platforms
ARQ says
Oh man yessssssssssssss, I need a new battride war in my life, especially one where we probably will get to play as Drive and Ghost!
Guyver Spawn says
I hope it's on the PS4 since I don't have a PS3 anymore. A lot of people are moving on to next gen, so it's possible. Persona 5 and the new Attack on Titan game are being released on the PS4 too.
KyoryuGreen says
I might be buying this game on a couple of those systems. You know if it means Creation I wonder if we could possibly get the chance of Create a Rider in it. I hope we get the Showa Riders though! I want to beat up people as Stronger and Black RX and more. Also more past Secondary Riders too.
Kiryu says
I liked the first two battle ride war games they weren't ground breaking in anyway but you can tell that the people that worked on this loves the property as much as we do.
Expanding the character roster to include more secondaries and Showa riders seems like the way to go.
Powerman293 says
Hopefully the PS4 version won't look like a PS2 game like the other Battride war games.
Guyver Spawn says
If this is going to be our first Battle War game since BW2 then I hope more time was put into the game.
KyoryuGreen says
More news:
The following Showa Era Riders will also appear in the game: Kamen Rider 1, Kamen Rider 2, V3, X, Amazon, Stronger, Skyrider, Super-1, Black, and Black RX.
Kamen Rider: Battride War Creation will release in Japan in 2016 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita.
Guyver Spawn says
I just hope the game looks good on the PS4. Since this is our first Battle War game in two years (BW2 came out in 2014 and the next game comes out in 2016) then I hope Namco Bandai took their time on this game.
Keep reading: Kamen Rider Battle War Soei (Genesis) Discussion Thread - Page 2
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