The sixth member of the Kishiryu Sentai RyuSoulger is joining the action soon, so time has come for an up-close look at the merchandise for RyuSoul Gold!
Gold’s arsenal has two unique components:
*The MosaChanger, RyuSoul Golds’ henshin device that also serves as a blaster. The DX MosaChanger release will include 2 RyuSouls– the Gold RyuSoul & the BiriBiri RyuSoul.
*The MosaBlade, RyuSoul Golds’ signature weapon- a chainsaw saber based on prehistoric ocean life. The DX MosaBlade & MosaChanger can combine for an even stronger attack- the MosaBreaker! This release includes one new RyuSoul- the MawariSoul.
Both the DX MosaChanger & MosaBlade are currently scheduled for release in June 2019!
Paladin says
RyuSoul Gold's main weapon.
Blade Fang says
I love this weapon. I think this is best personal sentai weapon in Ryusoulger so far...
The color schemes and design is great..
Full Thread: DX MosaBlade Images
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