Happy Birthday!
This year marks the 10th Anniversary of Kamen Rider OOO, and to celebrate, Bandai will be giving fans and collectors of the series a very special birthday present with the recent teaser announcement of the CSM Cell Medals and a reprint of the OOO Medal Holder.
The price and release date isn’t known yet as of this writing. but be sure to check back with us on September 9th 2020 and hopefully, Bandai will provide more info for us then.
happy 10th anniversary, OOO.
...Jup, getting this. Hopefully Bluefin distributes it(and hopefully they distribute the CSM OOO Driver and Arcle in the future too).
Hm. Okay, I guess? Could’ve done Birth or Aqua for the anniversary, but... cell medals. Cool
Desire growing....
Just make Birth's giant jug of medals already, you cowards.
What could "Core Medal Extra" be?
Anyone would pay happily for pile of similar-looking grey medals to lie in a corner of your house or in your drawer.
^ said Ankh, probably.
Team Kamen Rider confirms a US release.
Did we ever find out the original price?
Keep reading: CSM Cell Medal & Medal Holder - Page 2
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