have begun taking preorders for the US release of Shinken-Oh, the base mecha from the Super Sentai series Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. Though this robot was released in the Power Rangers Samurai toy line as the Samurai Megazord, the Bandai of America release was a less-detailed, scaled down version that omitted the emblem/origami modes for the five components. This new version is expected to be identical to the original Japanese release.
Currently priced at $79.99, it estimated for release in May 2013. Check out pics in all three modes and discuss this release after the jump!
Thanks to member Uppercaseccc for sharing!
ZeoRangerV says have begun taking preorders for the US release of Shinken-Oh, the base mecha from the Super Sentai series Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. Though this robot was released in the Power Rangers Samurai toy line as the Samurai Megazord, the Bandai of America release was a less-detailed, scaled down version that omitted the emblem/origami modes for the five components. This new version is expected to be identical to the original Japanese release.
Currently priced at $79.99, it estimated for release in May 2013. Check out pics in all three modes and discuss this release after the jump!
Thanks to member Uppercaseccc for sharing!
Uppercaseccc says
So Shinken-oh is up for preorder for 79.99. I'm gonna give him a past he is just to much for what I'm willing to pay for a 4 year old toy when it comes out still if you want him here is what you could expect for price.
Matrixbeast says
I think $80 is a good deal, especially considering that it'll just raise in price every year.
ZeoRangerV says
I'm potentially willing to pay $80 for this, funds at the time permitting.
If it comes to the UK for £80 though? No chance
monk1210 says
Did we ever find out if it was going to be in Japanese or US packaging?
Crown Athlete says
Maybe I'm a miser, but 80 dollars seams awfuly steep for what will be a reissue of a 4 year old toy.
ShockerCon says
Matrixbeast says
ZeoRangerV says
WhiteRanger says
If it comes to the UK for £80 though? No chance
Keep reading: US Release Shinken-Oh Available For Pre-Order At Toys R Us - Page 2
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