A pair of images has surfaced overnight showcasing what appears to be a new release of S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Knight Survive from Kamen Rider Ryuki! Some have speculated this to simply be a color faded Knight Survive but don’t be fooled by this clean silver paint scheme. As many owners of Kuuga Rising Mighty know, paint fading is never that crisp or evenly distributed.
What we may be looking at is a new version of Knight Survive from the Kamen Ruder Ryuki Novel due for release on August 30th. If the new Heisei Rider novels have shown us anything it’s that they like to make additions to the existing mythos of the series they’re from. The new Kamen Rider Cyclone from the W Novel received the SHF treatment just recently. So if in fact this version of Knight Survive is in the Ryuki novel then this could be an early tease of it’s release.
So is it a new figure? The most extreme case of paint fade on a figuart? A custom? You let us know what you think in this thread while we scour the net for further info on this figure!
Images courtesy of the Timeless Dimension Blog
A pair of images has surfaced overnight showcasing what appears to be a new release of S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Knight Survive from Kamen Rider Ryuki! Some have speculated this to simply be a color faded Knight Survive but don't be fooled by this clean silver paint scheme. As many owners of Kuuga Rising Mighty know, paint fading is never that crisp or evenly distributed.
What we may be looking at is a new version of Knight Survive from the Kamen Ruder Ryuki Novel due for release on August 30th. If the new Heisei Rider novels have shown us anything it's that they like to make additions to the existing mythos of the series they're from. The new Kamen Rider Cyclone from the W Novel received the SHF treatment just recently. So if in fact this version of Knight Survive is in the Ryuki novel then this could be an early tease of it's release.
So is it a new figure? The most extreme case of paint fade on a figuart? A custom? You let us know what you think in this thread while we scour the net for further info on this figure!
Images courtesy of the Timeless Dimension Blog
OK, that looks awesome! I think Ill start Ryuki soon, the designs look awesome.
It's pretty cool that the versions of the characters from the novels are getting toy representations.
This kind of makes me hope Garren King and Leangle Jack/King showed up in the Blade novel
Hopefully we can get a reissue of Knight to go with this... He's long overdue to get a remake. This guy's quite cool too, not sure where I'd put him if I got him (assuming he is released), seeing as how I'd also have (don't have yet) regular Knight Survive. It would have been even cooler if we got a Survive mode for another Ryuki Rider (not Ryuki or Knight).
Man that looks awesome, actually does anyone know if the novels get translated? I'm interested in reading them.
In short I'd give half my collection to see Survives for the remaining riders made, even if they would be toy only designs. I'm always up for expanding my Ryuki collection.
SIC Hero Saga makes tons of exclusive forms. If some of those get translated to Figuarts, that'd be wonderful. I'm actually kind of curious how some of the Hero Saga Survive forms would look without SIC's overexaggerated designs.
In short I'd give half my collection to see Survives for the remaining riders made, even if they would be toy only designs. I'm always up for expanding my Ryuki collection.
I'd buy a silver repaint of Knight Survive in a heartbeat, but I'd really like to see Survives for the other Riders.
Keep reading: New Kamen Rider Knight Survive S.H. Figuart Teased? - Page 2
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