You didn’t think it was over, did you? We’re first on scene to bring you the booth dedicated to Power Rangers by the popular brand Megabloks! Some highlights in our gallery include:
– Individual “mecha zords” like the Red Ranger’s Sky Ship
– New blind packs for Power Rangers Super Megaforce
– Legendary Rangers make their debut with various Legendary Mecha Zords
– Legendary Megazord
– Q-Rex Megazord
Check out the 40+ images in our gallery after the jump! Be sure to tweet this story and “Like” it on Facebook to share with all your friends!
Power Rangers Megabloks Booth Gallery
Hrm... The only thing I'm seeing here that I really want is the Super Mega Pirate Ship.
Wait, has that even appeared in the show yet?
Lookin' good, as per Megabloks usual. I now totally don't mind that the SMF helmets are not new moulds if it means past rangers get made.
Is it just me or did the Megazords degrade by quite a bit from what we got before???
Is it just me or does the Red Lion Zord's head looks like the head to the Lion Folding Zord?
I really want to see what new Halo stuff they roll out.
Ones I like but probably wont buy-
Red Lion
Super Mega Racer
Oh and we are gettin Reds in blind bags? Cool!
That Sky Ship looks great! I love it!
They look a little too block too me. Now I know they are building blocks and they make robots but I don't know, something seems off about them.
Keep reading: Megabloks Power Rangers Gallery from Toy Fair 2014 - Page 2
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