You thought we forgot about you? Let’s Watch Wednesdays is back with another movie! This time it’s a double whammy though, featuring two sentai! This is Magiranger VS Dekaranger! Please take note, if you haven’t watched Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger, then this movie will contain some spoilers for the end of that particular series. Watch at your own risk!
The Magirangers celebrate a family holiday with an expensive meal. But a certain Dekaranger happens to be around when that meal is interrupted by an Alienizer! As two sentai meet for the first time, Deka Red returns to Earth with a new power, the Fire Squad Battlizer! Two 6th heroes meet, Tetsu & Hikaru will have their own little adventure. It’s Deka Master VS Wolzard the ultimate test of swords! And Legend Mode & Battlizer against all odds, and evil! This one has it all. To stop Agent X from inheriting the legacy of Abrer, 13 heroes will rise up!
Be sure to join the action packed discussion for this VS movie by clicking “Discuss on the TokuNation Forums” at the bottom of this post! Next week we pick up with a special 2 episode arc of Magiranger, 32 & 33, where the most unbelievable secret will be revealed!
Mahou Sentai Magiranger Vs Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger!
Alienizers AND Infershia?
Deka Red returns to Earth!
Deka Master & Wolzard, the master swordsmen clash!
Magi Shine & Deka Break will cross paths (among other things)
It's Legend Modes, Battlizers, and 13 heroes who rise to the challenge this week in Magiranger vs Dekaranger!
Some spoilers for Dekaranger are contained in this film, so if you haven't seen it yet or wish to avoid them, then be sure to sit this week out. Otherwise enjoy the show (well movie)!
And there it is, Jack's Battle Thong.
Ah yes, DekaMaster vs. Wolzard. Really short fight but it's so awesome they cause the surroundings to spontaenously explode
I have already watched this team up. It was pretty freaking epic.
It's the Hikaru/Tetsu cross dress team-up that seals the deal for me.

Greatest VS movie ever
That was simple, but in a good way, the story was straightforward and the execution nice, both teams had good chemistry and the Dekarangers were an incredibly fun group.
I'm not the bigest fan of the VS movies, but this one was pretty fun.
Watched it this afternoon, still good after all these years. The two teams had really good chemistry with each other. And no need for clash of egos, the Dekarangers were just concerned for the Ozu family's safety. The cross dressing moment was hilarious, even hilariouser is that it was working so well. Already commented on how awesome the DekaMaster vs Wolzard fight was, but the other fights were good too. Overall this just reminds me that I really want to check out Dekaranger. Perhaps I need to campaign for it as the next LWW.
Oh, and Toei. You've already got a reason to do a ten years after for Magiranger. Flower of Heaven day. Make it happen! You owe us after Bouken vs. Super Sentai!
I'm finally caught up! Yay! I never thought it would happen, but Magiranger has grown on me quite a bit.
That last bit with the flowers seemed like a bit of a downer, though. I know it was about love, but it seemed almost funereal.
As for the movie, it reminds me I need to finish Dekaranger. This seemed like a nice blending of two pretty dissimilar series. The Kai/Banban tension-to-acceptance arc was entertaining. Honestly, I think all the character moments were handled quite well. The cameos made sense and the cross-dressing bit was hilarious. I only made it about a third of the way in Dekaranger before the Kamen Rider bug hit hard so I may not be as up on some things as I should. Did the fourth wall breaking derive from there, or is it just a movie thing?
Mostly the special effects were done well, except all the flame stuff about halfway in. Yipes. It really stood out. That DekaMaster/Wolzard fight was darned awesome, though. Oh, man, the Nai/Mea, Urara/Houka, Jasmine/Umeko costume switching scene was completely adorable. I'd watch a whole series of just new variations on that segment.
Granted, I've only seen a handful of the VS movies, but so far I'm thinking this might be my favorite.
(Also, Jasmine rocked that short hair! There was so much adorableness in this I almost couldn't see straight.
one of my top favorite VS movies really liked how Sen was forgeting his date with umeko lol.the cross dressing with Tetsu and Hikari was down right hilarious and just ROFL with the monster falling for it.the girls fighting was enjoyable and the whole switchin with their outfits really gave a good charm to the movie.the acting was great espcially with the whole ending whos gonna get married first and what not
Full Thread: Let's Watch Wednesdays Week 12 Magiranger VS Dekaranger Discussion
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