Thanks to Fury Diamond of Rangercrew, the next wave of 5’’ Super Megaforce Action figures have been revealed once again through Amazon listings!
Waves 5 and 6 of the line will include:
- Gold Zeo Ranger
- Titanium Ranger
- Mighty Morphin White Ranger
- Red Alien Ranger
- Quantum Ranger
- Ninja Storm Green Samurai Ranger w/armor
- Red Turbo Ranger
- Red Time Force Ranger
- Red Lost Galaxy Ranger
And finally, the Lunar Wolf Ranger from Wild Force.
Currently, the retail release date for this wave remains unknown but expect these to be on sale via Amazon soon.
I found the Power Rangers Super Megaforce Waves 5 and 6 Figures listings on Amazon's image server.
I uploaded all of the press photos to:
Oh god, I think I might have to get Ninja Red to hold me over until a Figuarts comes out (if ever).
Well at these are finally getting released. Outside of Lightspeed Red, these waves are the only ones that have anything I want out of the line. Those being Zeo Gold, Titanium, Quantum (whose head is too small), and Red Alien.
Turbo Red looks really good detail wise though.
I need to get Titanium and Samurai Green out of these waves. Im just glad we are getting all of these.
I will be purchasing the Gold, Green Samurai and Titanium Rangers. Yesssss.
Titanium Ranger is getting some love. I plan to get him since it been a while since we had a figure of him and the chances of him getting a figuart is very unlikely.
I love how Titnaium appears to be so shiny.
Dang it. I already spend so much on Figuarts versions of Rangers, and now...BoA is actually making some cool looking Power Ranger figures similar in scale?
All they need to do is make some 5-6 inch Putties or other villain troop builders.
Keep reading: Power Rangers Super Megaforce Waves 5 and 6 Figures Press Photos - Page 2
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