“Take Care of Deneb.”
Let’s Watch Wednesdays returns to Kamen Rider Den-O but with the loss of one of our heroes. In case you haven’t noticed we’re rocking a Thursday Edition this week. Techincal difficulties on my end being to blame. But we’ll be back to normal next week.
Yuuto paid the ultimate price when his past self was erased from time. Or so it would seem. The Zeronos cards aren’t all bad after all. While the memories of a person disappear, they are protected from the ravages of time. But with no more green cards left, Yuuto must now resort to the red cards and an even greater price must be paid as well. The memories Yuuto’s made in the present will now cease to be. His past no longer exists, and now neither does his present, nor would it seem does his future. But one thing is certain, Zeronos Zero Form is a power to be reckoned with!
Den-O Trivia #15
It’s time to see if you were paying attention again! This week the show changed up something most people skip right past, the opening! That’s right, the usual rendition of Climax Jump you’re used to was replaced this week by Climax Jump Den-Liner Form. A rendition of the song sung by our lovable Imagin! Episode 40 is the first instance where the opening theme changes and the first where clips from the episode you’re about to watch are inserted into the montage.
Of course this isn’t the only alternate version of Climax Jump out there. In fact when Climax Jump was released as a Single there were 5 versions of the song just on that disc. But there are multiple other versions of the song each tied to a particular form of Den-O as well as several more official remixes of it. I actually know of at least 12 more versions of the song out there, bringing the total close to 20, all of which I have of course.
And the future will change.
But can heroes really die?
Can Zeronos?
The cards have a cost,
but a benefit is revealed.
As the rust forms,
Zero Form rises.
So Let's Watch Den-O 40-42!
Apologies for the delay this week. Techincal difficulties left us stranded for a bit. So I guess this week we're going Thursday edition with it
Wow, that was the best part of Den-O so far. It was funny, sad, and overall awesome, cementing Zeronos as my favorite Rider of all time. Seriously, he needs his own show.
Coffee-tachi 40
Oh hey, it's Climax Form. Honestly thought we had already seen the last of it.
Good finale to this Yuuto arc; I really love the visuals of the first Zero Form transformation, even if I don't like the red suit all that much.
Kai is still really annoying and nonthreatening. I kinda get the sense that there was a lot more to this episode than made it into TVN's script, though. I think this was probably one of those times when they made some translation and/or basic English grammar errors.
Also, this week saw the debut of a new opening theme (kinda). From this point onwards the show uses versions of Climax Jump sung by the Imagin voice actors instead of the original version. This was only the fifth Rider series to alter its opening theme song (arguably sixth - but Kuuga just switched which verse of the song ran over the opening credits) and it hasn't been done again since. I'm not a big fan of the cover versions - I think the original is still the definitive.
Umm, I want all 20 of those tracks! Where can I findz??
Heads up loyal viewers! LWW goes on hiatus this week.
We're doing some special Gaim retrospective stuff on the front page that's going to take precedence. But we'll be back next week.
Coffee-tachi 41-42
It's a good one; very emotionally moving and only slightly undermined by the amusement park scenes and a relatively small amount of Kai being annoying.
Who's up for some broad-ass comedy? I'm not sure who'se idea it was to have Ryoutarou and Yuuto's big conversation take place at an amusement park (complete with silly costumes), but that person is either an insane genius or an insane lunatic. Either way, that was freaking crazy.
this is one of those story arcs I remember well from my first trip through the show back in... oh lord, 2009!?
Holy crap, it's the giraffes from Ultrman Nexus.
Next week (aka tomorrow): WHAT'S IN THE BOX!?!?
I honestly don't remember, but I'm pretty sure it's not Gwyneth Paltrow's head.
Full Thread: Let's Watch Wednesdays Week 15 Kamen Rider Den-O 40-42 Discussion
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