Thunder, Thunder, Thunderzords! Hoooooooo! Wait, wrong franchise ;)
But yes fans, your enthusiasm and patience have been rewarded. From the Bandai Booth at San Diego Comic Con we can officially reveal to the world for the first time the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Legacy Thunder Megazord!!
In all it’s gloriousness the Thunder Megazord is displayed right now at SDCC along with a host of other Power Rangers toys and collectibles including.Ever since the release of the Legacy White Tigerzord, the Thunder Megazord was all any Power Ranger fan could talk about, and now it is a reality, stay with TokuNation as we bring more reveals and close up images of this new Legacy product!
Be sure to follow us on twitter for our latest breaking news from San Diego Comic Con 2015!!
Place holder. Calm down. :

Den-O Edit:
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Legacy Thunder Megazord!!!
We all knew it was coming but oh my god it looks absolutely gorgeous already.
Definitely interested but I also want to know how much they have sacrificed from the original design in order to make it fit the Legacy/Zordbuilder scale.
What I like the most about is that they modeled the chest to look more like the actual suit.
Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *deep inhale* aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh thunderzords
THE LION IS GREEN! Praise Godoka!!!
... But does it MegaTigerZord?
Making me wish I had grabbed a Tigerzord, this is. A whole lot. It looks good from this angle in Megazord mode. Really interested in seeing how the Red Dragon Thunderzord suffered/was changed for Zord Builder..
Ol' Zedd looks like he's squatting down to take care of some serious business.
Keep reading: SDCC 2015 - Bandai of America booth pics - Page 2
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