A few years ago, Kickback, Den-O, and Sentai Tamashii/Soulink decided to create a podcast centered around tokusatsu. It was originally called “Talkin Toku at the Nation“, and then shortened at some point for reasons that escape us to “Talkin Toku“. But – life happens, and Kickback and Den-O were blessed with the ability to start their own families, and the time just wasn’t there anymore to consistently release professional podcasts in a timely manner. The final episode was released in February, and all archives went dark in March of this year.
However – you can’t always keep a nerd quiet, and the urge to continue to talk about these things was too great. Thus, a new joint project between Kickback of TokuNation.com and Jmann of CollectionDX.com has resulted in the revival of Talkin Toku. Check out the announcement video below.
The planned launch episode will release the first week of September. Contributors to the show include Kickback, Den-O, Sentai Tamashii/Soulink of TokuNation.com, Jmann of CollectionDX.com, Trekkieb47 and HollywoodZ from the Ranger Command Power Hour podcast, Dan Pearce from Dan’s Toku Rants, The Ranger Talk, baltmatrix, Vangelus, Shukuen Shinobi, and ZeronXepher.
Please check out the official Talkin Toku YouTube channel and subscribe! You don’t want to miss some of the stuff we have planned!
Talkin Toku is now an independent enterprise created by and operated by Kickback and Jmann. Videos shown on this website, or any website, are simply for promotional purposes to help spread the word. To contact Talkin Toku, please visit the official Facebook page or the official @TalkinToku Twitter page. You can also E-mail us at talkintoku (at) gmail (dot) com.
TokuChris says
Please like and subscribe as we get this thing rolling
Matrixbeast says
Can I be a part of it~?
GreenPsychoRanger says
Love the use of the Zeo theme!!!
GoseiWonder says
TokuChris says
As we progress we'll bring more people on to be involved. Really depends how things play out/how big things get. We'll see!
Shirohane says
Ooooh can I~?
ZeoRangerV says
Woo! Would love to be a part of it, hopefully it wouldn't all fall through this time
JDJones says
Initial reactions include "Those crazy hooligans! Making me waste all those tears!", "I wonder if this will be like Airplane 2; the same thing only bigger and more outlandish than the original..." and "Like most retirements, it didn't last a year"
KamenRiderOOO says
I request permission to come aboard since I wasn't able to previously
GoseiWonder says
Keep reading: The Return of Talkin Toku - Page 2
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