Despite Kamen Rider Gaim’s imminent ending in just 5 short weeks, it seems the show has one final surprise to throw at us! The actual, for real this time, one true villain of the series is revealed! Kamen Rider Jam!
The Jam suit is very clearly a reuse of the design shared by Kamen Rider Kamuro & Mars from Gaim’s summer film, with some major differences in color and accents. He also appears to be sporting a purple version of Gaim’s Daidaimaru. The Jam Lock Seed, unnamed at the time of this writing, very clearly resembles the Gold & Silver Ringo locks of the movie riders as well.
Click “Discuss on the TokuNation forums at the bottom of this post to be taken to our discussion thread with possible spoilers for the identity of this character. It’s currently unconfirmed, but indicators are pointing straight to the one person it could be.
Den-O says
Just in time for the series finale it appears the real REAL final villain of the series will make himself known! And it's not Mitsuzane the traitor AKA Ryugen/Shin Zangetsu.
This is still unconfirmed at the time of this writing, but apparently Ryouma Sengoku will be our final villain,
Kamen Rider Jam!
This information is subject to change as appropriate translations aren't out yet. But all indicators point to Jam being Ryouma!
XW1n5t0nX says
Electric Turahk says
Ryoma being the final villain makes sense to me, but I still don't buy the conclusion drawn just by looking at the suit. If there's something in the magazine itself that states that (I sure wouldn't be able to figure that out), then great!
But that name...
Don't know why he couldn't just be Duke ____ Arms.
ZeoRangerV says
Jam? Really?
We go from the awesome and very appropriate Yomotsu Heguri to just "Jam"?
If that translation's legit, way to kill it right at the end there Gaim.
GoseiWonder says
So when can I order the pink apple?
EitoRanger says
Kamen Rider Jam....that's just perfect
Especially if it is Ryouma, that name is exactly what I would expect from him. The only thing that will make this better would be if the transform music is the Bravo/Rock tune. Just for all the lame Jamming out puns we can do
Matrixbeast says
Just when I thought the silliest we were getting was screaming "FRUITS BASKET!" Gaim decided to one up that with Kamen Rider Jam.
XW1n5t0nX says
And if Gaim ever ventures into space he'll be Kamen Rider Space Jam.
Thessair says
Den-O says
There's also been talk some places of this possibly being DJ Sagura so honestly it's anyone guess. I personally feel Ryouma is more likely.
Keep reading: Kamen Rider Jam Revealed! - Page 2
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