With a huge special thanks to our good friend @trekkieb47, we have for you an exclusive gallery of the first in-hand images of the Power Rangers Dino Charge Raptor Zord which was found today at a Toys’R’Us store in Illinois.
The figure retails for around $20 and features a number of fun play features including Zord Builder, and “battle mode” features by using the Dino Charger battery. Enjoy over 20 images of the Raptor Zord including a comparison shot of the Zyudenchi version and Dino Charger versions of the batteries! Click the title of the story for the full gallery! Images watermarked at the request of the photographer.
Be sure to check out our first look at the Power Rangers Dino Charge Para Zord, and stay tuned for the full gallery of the Power Rangers Dino Charge Megazord, including combinations with these two auxiliary zords!
Have you found any new Power Rangers toys? If so, let your fellow fans know! Post your Power Rangers toy sightings in our state-by-state Sightings forum! Help your fellow Ranger Nation followers find those toys! If you do find something you can also tweet us @TokuNation on Twitter and we’ll retweet your finding to the world!
What do you think? Are you ready to Charge It Up? Post your thoughts in the discussion thread!
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Thanks to trekkieb47! This one looks amazing and I can't wait to get a hold of it!
Wow! That tail opens much more on our version.
It's a great toy.
The Raptor Zord's gimmick is actually more dynamic than Zakutor's. Zakutor's tail just popped apart a tad to make it look a bit more clawish. Raptor Zord on the other hand splays open creating a massive slicer!
Full Thread: EXCLUSIVE - Power Rangers Dino Charge Raptor Zord In-Hand Images
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