Thanks to @Toy_empire on Twitter we have a first look at Bandai of America‘s Dino Charge Morpher from Power Rangers Dino Charge! This brief video gives us an idea of how it works and the sound effect it makes! As TokuNation has been reporting Dino Charge toys have been showing up all across the US, mostly at Toys R Us retail stores. Make sure you stop by your local store to collect them all!
If you’ve found new Power Rangers Dino Charge toys – tell us! Tell your fellow collectors! Post your sighting in our state-by-state Sightings forum! Don’t forget you can also tweet us your finding @TokuNation on Twitter and we’ll retweet it to the rest of Ranger Nation!
Thanks to @Toy_empire we get a first look at how it works and what sound it makes!
Why didn't he spin the thing?
obviously he has not seen kyoryuger.
He said on twitter that the barrel only spins when the trigger is pulled.
Why did he not show the box to the morpher? Every one has showen the box art but him.
Oh the barrel spins and it does do a transformation sound he made an addendum video
Why must they insist on putting in those generic stock voice clips? It sounded great until "ENERGIZE!"
Maybe I'm being too hard on it, but that is no bueno.
I'm not feeling the sounds at all at the moment.
Well at least it looks less knockoffy than the Gokai Gun but at the same time it ain't the same without the Samba music.
Keep reading: Dino Charge Morpher First review and Demo! - Page 2
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