Lucky and the crew of Uchu Sentai Kyuranger find themselves at odds for the first time in the series as they encounter a mysterious young alien (with a scorpion tail) who transforms in to Sasori Orange – the Orange Kyuranger! Is he friend or foe? The episode has just finished streaming – and now you can vote on the episode and discuss it on our forums!
Click here for Uchu Sentai Kyuranger – The Man from the Desert Planet – Episode Poll and Discussion!
Paladin says
The Orion arrives at a new world under attack by the Jark Matter, where the KyuRangers meet a young man with mysterious powers. Who is this newcomer, and why does Champ recognize him?!
Live Streams of the Superhero Time block start at 5:30 PM Eastern Standard Time on Saturdays.
Byg42 says
So what are the chances Over-Time will change their subbing for this episode?
Thundarcat2000ca says
Byg42 says
SengalBoy says
GoseiWonder says
For example I prefer Overtime's ZyuOh subs for how they translate "ohja" and how they didn't pepper everything with mild cussing.
SentaiMistressKiba says
Even the Founders of TV-Nihon hate TV-Nihon, they all left.
One they make lots of mistakes they don't even notice.
Two, they shouldnt keep terms like Nee-san untranslated. You want a translation or you watch it raw.
Three, Its obvious how bad they are when they translate a show Jyuohger when everyone else in the world call it the correct name "Zyohger"
Four, sadly, although it might have changed now, the staff and their fanatic members are very good at insulting people because they are not primary english speakers or their genetic situation, and if you dare tell the staff about a mistake they have made they will tell you to go *beep* yourself... My older sister knows them since they started... they used to be good...
But yeah, if you want to go watch badly translated Jyuohger, suit yourself...
I rather watch quality subtitling like Over-time does...
And I stop my ranting now... episode 3. was very good
MKDremare says
I don't like TV-N because they're literally the prime example of terrible fansubbers. Like they'll leave entire phrases untranslated, even when it's EASY to just use an English word (like for Magiranger they use "o-baka-chan-tachi" instead of just "idiots") or use the English version to keep a joke (in Den-O they leave his final attack as Densha Giri, but the joke is that it's a lame name because it literally means "Train Slash").
One of the worst though is when they pretty much translated an important line in Gaim (spoilers if you haven't watched it) that this blogpost can explain better than I can. Like I get it, people can like what fansub group they want, but I just think they're bad. I mean, I understand that Over-Time gets a little crazy with translating things (like I'm not a big fan of them translating Karo and Daikaan as Menasters and Malistates, even IF they're pretty good puns), but Over-Time has a lot more accuracy.
LockonStratos says
On the subject of Menasters and such, it's also weird, because they've changed their translations specifically to match romanizations in the past, like how in Go-Busters they changed sub-space to hyper-space because that's the translation the show itself was using. Of course, that was literally a change from episode 1 to 2, but still.
Byg42 says
Keep reading: Uchu Sentai KyuRanger Episode 3- "The Man From The Desert Planet!" Discussion - Page 2
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