Well that certainly didn’t take long. Revealed just over a month ago, then announced for an early release at San Diego Comic Con this month, who would have thought we’d already see this figure at retail? But the hunt is on! @dimitridemel on Twitter just stumbled across the Power Rangers Legacy 5″ Lord Zedd figure!
Found at the Brampton, Ontario Canada Toys ‘R’ Us this figure retails for for $16.99 CAD. And as we can see now, Lord Zedd also sports some very awesome vintage style Power Rangers packaging clearly modeled after the 8″ Mighty Morphin Power Ranger assortments of old.
UPDATED – A new back of box image confirms that the Power Weapons included with the 5″ Legacy Power Rangers will be able to combine to form the Powe Blaster!
A domestic US release should be happening any time now, but this is great news for Canadian collectors! For anyone unable to find it before SDCC, remember that Entertainment Earth will also have this shared exclusive for sale at their booth there later this month!
@dimitridemel on Twitter just found Legacy Lord Zedd at the Brampton, Ontario Canada Toys 'R' Us, $16.99 CAD.

Back of packaging image confirms that the Power Weapons included with the Legacy Rangers will be able to combine into the Power Blaster!
That Zedd still isn't worth anything close to $17, but I've got to give them credit on the packaging. It looks really good.
I love the old school art. I'll buy 2 one to open the other to keep for the old school art.
It is pretty cool to see him in the old school packaging. Too bad it's over priced.
I have to give Bandai MASSIVE props!
The packaging for all the Legacy line has been amazing! So amazing, it's like we're back in 1993 when Power Rangers was first released!
I dig the old school style box. I kinda want to pick this up.
Yikes, what makes this guy 17 bucks?
...probably gona buy him, though. I've got all the other Zedd's save for the original. So, why not?
This is the 5 inch one right?
Love the package even though it is the wrong packaging. THe Space Aliens were not in that type of package. They were in a rectangular box and those in the first season had Rita's staff top around while those during S2 were in a Z styled window with Zedd on the package.
Anyway, figure doesn't have enough articulation to make it worth it.
Nice packaging! I'm in absolutely no rush for one but I'd love to see one in-hand and get some nice comparison going between the final product and the old Super Legends.
Keep reading: Legacy Lord Zedd Released at Canadian Retail! - Page 2
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