It’s Morphin Time with Power Rangers In Space and Let’s Watch Wednesdasy! If you thought you’d seen it all by now with this show, you were wrong. A major blast from the past is here!
Thanks to one of Astronema’s monsters Carlos injures Cassie. Doubting himself Carlos wonders if he’s even fit to be a Power Ranger anymore. Luckily an old friend and ally, Adam, returns! But the former Black Ranger has more than just training for Carlos. Cobbled together from broken bits and hope, Adam’s original Power Morpher has been rebuilt! But with his powers in flux, and the risk of using them great, can the Mighty Morphin Black Ranger rise again?
Meanwhile Andros has another run in with Darkonda & 1 of his 9 lives, and Astronema tries desperately to discover her past. Her brother is still alive out there somewhere, Andros sister is too. And a pair of lockets will link them all together….
Can Adam convince him to stay?
THE Black Ranger returns!
But for how long?
Darkonda loses another life,
but can he keep Astronema's secret?
A pair of lockets is about to reveal the truth,
Andros & Astronema will finally know!
Let's Watch In Space episodes 25-27!
25 is one of my favorites since Adam actually kicks some real butt and it feels like a proper MMPR era episode, unlike most of the others which felt more like paved over Sentai episodes. It's proof that it's possible for Saban to have a separate show from the Japanese series.
26 was just bleh. More Darkonda nonsense, I nearly fell asleep wondering when it was going to be over.
27 though started the real subplot for Andros and Astronema. And somewhere in there the MOTW got aced by the Astro Megazord.
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