Our apologies for the interrupted viewing schedule folks. As Kickback let you know recently my wife and I welcomed a little addition into our family! For that reason we had to take a break with our regular Let’s Watch Wednesdays segment last week. However we are back and ready to get psychotic!
A Psycho Ranger has fallen. What kind of fall out will that leave for Power Rangers In Space on Let’s Watch Wednesdays? Let’s See!Dark Specter’s in trouble, another force is draining all his powers. I wonder if Astronema knows anything about that?
And with Psycho Pink down the rangers have the advantage. Defeat a Psycho with an opposite color! But how many Psycho’s are there really? There should only be 4 left, but who calls himself Psycho Silver? Another Psycho Ranger will transform into a monster and be defeated, but which one this week? To catch the Power Rangers off guard the remaining Psychos will have to get creative. But how far can human disguises go?
Psycho Silver appears!
Psycho Blue is on the chopping block!
And Dark Specter knows nothing....
So let's watch In Space 34-36!
And then In Space was a sitcom.
All the drama of a good British serial. With all the psychosis of a Telemundo telenovella.
What's psycho is how many diapers have to be changed in the first four months.
Full Thread: LWW Power Rangers In Space 34-36
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