The action finally heats up this week on Let’s Watch Wednesdays with Power Rangers In Space!
The Secret City. Here Astronema’s civilian captives are enslaved and now the Power Rangers have found themselves trapped there as well. There’s only one escape plan. Unable to morph, Andros must rely on the Battlizer. Press #1 for power, press #2 for more, but even he doesn’t know that #3 will unleash the greatest power ever! The Red Battlized Ranger!
But that’s not all, you thought the Psycho Rangers were gone? Think again! These digital ghosts will stop at nothing until they can be whole again, and destroy the Power Rangers for good!
What's the limit of the Battlizers full power?
Can the Psycho Rangers return?
Can the Power Rangers defeat them again?
Let's watch In Space episodes 37-39
Full Thread: LWW Power Rangers In Space 37-39
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