We’re only 3 short months away from the next Official Power Morphicon! And as we get closer and closer to the show, more and more guests are being added! Recently announced guests for the next Official Power Morphicon include:
- Hilary Shephard (Divatox in Power Rangers Turbo)
- Ali Afshar (voice of the Phantom Ranger in Power Rangers Turbo, Power Rangers in Space)
- Alison MacInnis (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Pink Ranger)
- Chris Violette (Power Rangers S.P.D. Blue Ranger)
- Azim Rizk (Power Rangers Megaforce Black Ranger, Super Megaforce Green Ranger)
- Tsutomo Kitagawa (Super Sentai and Godzilla suit actor)
If you haven’t already, please head to the Official Power Morphicon site and register! If you’re a fan of Power Rangers, you can’t miss it! The Official Power Morphicon takes place this August 12th through the 14th in Pasadena, California.
Power Morphicon 2016
When: August 12th, 13th, 14th 2016
Where: Pasadena Convention Center, Pasadena CA
Tickets: On sale now!
How to buy? - Click this link! https://register.growtix.com/e/power_morphicon_2016
Power Rangers Guests:
- From Mighty Morphin Power Rangers...
Austin St. John, Audri-Dubois, Walter Jones, Karan Ashley, Steve Cardenas, Johnny Yong Bosch, Catherine Sutherland, David Fielding, Carla Perez, Jason Ybarra, Peta-Maree Rixon
- From Power Rangers Zeo...
Johnny Yong Bosch, Steve Cardenas, Catherine Sutherland, Austin St. John
- From Power Rangers Turbo...
Johnny Yong Bosch, Catherine Sutherland, Selwyn Ward, Lex Lang
- From Power Rangers In Space...
Christopher Khaymen Lee, Selwyn Ward, Melody Perkins, Lex Lang
- From Power Rangers Lost Galaxy...
Danny Slavin, Valerie Landon, Melody Perkins
- From Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue...
Rhett Fisher
- From Power Rangers Time Force...
Jason Faunt, Erin Cahill, Deborah Phillips, Dan Southworth, Kevin Kleinberg, Michael Copon, Vernon Wells
- From Power Rangers Wild Force...
Jack Guzman, Phillip Andrew, Ann Marie Crouch, Ilia Volok, Lex Lang
- From Power Rangers Dino Thunder...
Kevin Duhaney, Jeff Parazzo
- From Power Rangers S.P.D....
Monica May
- From Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai...
Alex Heartman, Kimberley Crossman
- From Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce...
Ciara Hanna
Super Sentai Guests:
- From Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger...
Yuuta Mocizuki, Seiju Umon, Reiko Chiba, Takumi Hashimoto
- From Gosei Sentai Dairanger...
Keichi Wada
Kamen Rider (US or Japan):
- None listed yet
Other Toku Series:
From VR Troopers...
Michael Hollander
A late update (our apologies) but up to date guest listings! Will keep up with this as much as possible!
I really really REALLY want to go to this, but I won't be able to.
Man, i'd love to go to that...it's just a matter of am I willing to travel to the other side of the country for it? (I live in New York)
Updated with new guests.
One day i will go to a Power Morphicon. Can't wait to see what comes out of this one. I hope we see Movie & Ninja Steel toys & news.
Now I'm really excited. Selwyn Ward is at the top of my list of ranger actors I need to meet.
Oh man, I REALLY want to go to this. Too bad I live on the other side of the country.
Updated with Feb 29th announcements.
Does anyone know if Power Morphicon does Press Badges?
Keep reading: Power Morphicon 2016 - Info Thread - Page 2
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