“We’ll clear this with perfect co-op play!”
Toku Toy Box is bringing it back again with another new gallery from Kamen Rider Ex-Aid! When Emu Hojo managed to create the Mighty Brothers XX Gashat no one was more surprised than him about what came next. Two riders from one person! One half cool and collected Emu, one half Genius Gamer M (or rather Parad), the Mighty Brothers were an incredible tag team that took on Kuroto Dan when no one else could. Now they take him on in toy form with the release of S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Double Action Gamer Level XX LR Set!
The Mighty Brothers are of course bringing back that excellent Ex-Aid/Mighty Action body type. We’ve seen it a few times and it’s always excellent. Each Brother is the perfect compliment to one another. The perfect foil to a Dangerous Zombie in your display, both are armed with Gashacon Key Slashers, multiple sets of hands, and a swap out part to recreate their signature pose. This set has all the charm, charisma, and slick colors to make the perfect addition to your collection!
We’ve attached the full 80 image gallery to this post but you can also check out our extensive review of the Mighty Brothers below by clicking “Discuss on the TokuNation Forums” at the bottom of this post. We’ll be back next time with another new Ex-Aid gallery!
"We'll clear this with perfect co-op play!"

Emu Hojo went through a lot over the course of Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. But probably one of the most bizarre events in his career as a Kamen Rider was the first time he used the Mighty Brothers XX Gashat. A brand new Gashat created by Emu thanks to his odd version of the Bugster Virus. One half cool and collected Emu, one half Genius Gamer M (or rather Parad), the Mighty Brothers were an incredible tag team that took on Kuroto Dan when no one else could.
Let's dive into a gallery & review of the S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Double Action Gamer Level XX LR Set!
** Chunks of this review will be very similar to my original Ex-Aid gallery, feel free if you like to skip around those!
The Mighty Brothers come packed in an appropriately double sized box. The design of the box itself is the standard we've come to know of Ex-Aid, and particularly Ex-Aid Web Exclusive releases. Though this go around it has a nice blue & orange two-tone that sets it apart. The stock shots on this box also do the figures some real justice. But you're not here for the box are you??
Main Figure(s)
Now despite the fact that this set consists of two separate figures, it's really just a review of one. At this point if you aren't familiar with the S.H. Figuarts Ex-Aid body-type, feel free to check out my gallery of the first figure to use it. Both of the figures in this set are lavish repaints, with some remolding, of that initial Ex-Aid body. One that I'm still very much happy with. This outing, Bandai has certainly spruced it up a bit more, but it's still a really pretty great and serviceable mold. So here we go.
The Mighty Brothers, XXL & XXR, are perfectly complimentary to each other. When this form was initially revealed I didn't quite know how to process it. At the time I didn't quite care for it. But as it debuted in show and continued to be a fun and interesting form, I grew to love it. So the complimentary nature of the color schemes and part placement on the armor are just something I'm in love with. Physically I still nitpick the ankles on this mold, they still feel a bit limited, especially moving forward. The knees & hips however still provide a fantastic range of motion for each of these figures. I do have to mention that the paint apps on the legs for both of my Mighty Brothers are pretty spotty, and actually the spotty paint apps are not solely limited to the legs either.
The Gamer Driver for each figure is the same standard one we've seen, what, 8 or so times now? I still think it's an incredible to-scale replica. The appropriate readout and Game title have been added to this release. XXL & XXR are also both equipped with a newly molded Mighty Brothers XX Gashat. As with primarily all other Ex-Aid Gashats, these are removable dummy ones that can be used in other Gamer Drivers or compatible Gashacon weapons. Now here's the cool part, both L & R each have their own unique Gashats molded into their holsters. XXL/M/Parad (the orange one) has Gekitotsu Robots & Drago Knight Hunter Z Gashats. While XXR/Emu (the blue one) has Mighty Action X & Bakusou Bike Gashats. As with previous figures these are all, of course, non-removable but I appreciate their inclusions.
Now much of the upper body, and in particular the arms, is physically unchanged this go around aside from new shoulder pads. Each figure has a shoulder pad bearing half of the Level 1 SD style Level X Mighty Brother form. These are moved from where the traditional Level 1 heads have been on other figures, which is center of the back. Because of this the back actually does have some newly molded but plain armor as well. However, both of the Mighty Brothers do also feature new chest armor and Rider Gauges. Which I'm sad to say, after having just praised the gauge decals last week in my GenM Level X review, I now have to reverse on that. When up close I can clearly seen wrinkling of the labels inside my Mighty Bros' chests. They were not applied correctly, and while they aren't as awful as say Gaim Kiwami Arms, they are done very poorly. I hate eating my words. I'm also VERY disappointed by the quality of paint on their chest armor. Especially on XXR, there's clearly a spot where the didn't finish the orange paint app around the key pad and they just slapped a drop of paint on there. It's very noticeable and sloppy.
Which finally brings us to the new heads. Possibly my favorite thing about this design is the really unique way they handled the "hair" It was the the thing that initially put me off about these suit designs, but it grew on me quickly and in figure form it give each Mighty Brother a really unique look. I just love how the colors pop on their heads. So yes, this is a mold you've seen several times before just spiffed up a bit with a new paint job & some new parts. Despite the faults I see in this release, I really do still love it. It's still just a really well designed figure body.
The Mighty Brothers don't come with much, but they basically come with all they need:
1 - Deactivated Level X head. Representative of the Level 1 analog form that this pair has, it can be swapped out for the standard separated shoulder pads each figure has. Their shoulder already have convenient hinges on the back of the head to make them easier to line up, so it's honestly not that bad getting this thing on to pose the two together. It's actually quite nice.
8 - sets of hands. That 4 pairs for each Brother, both get identical sets done in their color. Options include 3 sets of hands with varying degrees of openness as well as 1 pair for holding a specific weapon.
2 - Gashacon Key Slashers. These unique weapons have been done very well at this scale. Initially in the show, the Mighty Brothers only had one Slasher that they passed back and forth during fights. And when this set was initially advertised, only 1 was shown in stock photos. I'm really really happy that Bandai opted to include 2. Eventually both brothers did use them simultaneously after all. Each Slasher has a small set of ports above the grip to accept the Mighty Brothers XX Gashat, otherwise they don't have any other gimmick or function.
I think that covers everything we needed. I think that we could have stood to get more of the word bubble effects with this set, but oh well. As is I'm quite happy still.
Final Thoughts
I've been really itching to get my hands on this set for some time. Setbacks with my middleman made obtaining sadly take much longer than it should have, and sadder still, much more expensive. I paid an exorbitant of money for this set, the package was MIA for several weeks, but they finally arrived and all has been well. I'm very impressed with the level of details featured in this set, even if I'm miffed about some quality issues. S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Double Action Gamer Level XX LR Set is another Ex-Aid release that I'm still more than happy to add to my self. Now bring on GenM Level 2! Mine will be here soon
Part 2
- VS the Dangerous Zombie
- Gashacon Key Slashers
A form that's surprisingly plot important, I don't like the colours but this seems like a must buy for fans
Want to get one to share with my bro. Funny enough I have the henshin sound for this as his ringtone
The Keyslasher mold and paint on this set seem curiously well detailed, almost over-detailed. Looks a bit like SIC.
It's good to see that all the hassle with NY finally paid off for you, Den. It's nowhere near my favourite Ex-Aid form, but the two do look good in figure form.
I love this gallery! You were clearly having a lot of fun. The attention to detail of the different gashats in their holders is impressive.
Does the Gashacon KeySlasher have the ability to convert to axe mode? I'm guessing not, but I've been surprised before.
The show eventually managed to sell me on this form despite that I didn't initially care for it. I did peek at it on Mandarake... then recoiled at the price point. Yes, I know it's two figures, but it's still an expensive set. I should make a point of tracking down the other half of the SO-DO, at least.
For the longest time, this pair was my absolute favourite form on the show and I admit a big part of that is the novelty that there's two of them, and how well that gimmick works in the design.
Biggest mistake on the show is that we never saw them riding the bike together.
Cool gallery even though I did not care for this form much.
Mighty bros is a pretty great design, love the shoulder pad faces.
Keep reading: S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Double Action Gamer Level XX LR Set Gallery - Page 2
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