A new prototype sculpt image has surfaced online, potentially giving fans a look at the next monstrous entity to be introduced in the upcoming Legendary Pictures film Godzilla: King Of The Monsters!
As reported by Godzilla-Movies.com the famous flying Kaiju RODAN is scheduled to appear in the film according to preproduction reports. This sculpture is said to represent Rodan’s new design, and does seem to be in-line with Legendary’s Godzilla appearance.
However, this reveal of Rodan has not been confirmed by official sources at time of writing. Stay tuned to TokuNation for further details!
Prototype sculpt circulating. What do you think?
It's cool that Rodan has feathers. I guess they wanted Rodan to look more closer to a real Pteranodon.
I Like it. Looks All must part dragon. Can't wait to see what the other 2 look like.
I like it! Shows personality, and the beak and horns look suitably classic.
I love this. Rodan was always one of my favorites, and if this is his design I love it.
looks really cool. I'm pretty excited for the next Godzilla movie.
Full Thread: RUMOR- King of the Monsters' Rodan Design Leaked?
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