With Bandai America’s Power Rangers toyline winding down before Hasbro takes the brand in a new direction next year, one of the last releases the company has to offer has just been spotted at US retail. The Gamestop Exclusive Legacy Armored Red Ranger was just spotted at retail by Mando Arriaga over at the Power Rangers Traders, Buyers, and Sellers facebook page!
As one of the tail end releases in the line, the Armored Red Ranger has made the packaging change the rest of the most recent Legacy product has like Psycho Red, Dino Thunder White etc. So it’ll fit right in with your other end of the line purchases. As one of the last new Legacy 6.5″ releases to hit retail, will you be hunting this figure down yourself? Let us know in the thread linked below!
Thanks to Mando Arriaga over at the Power Rangers Traders, Buyers, and Sellers facebook page.
With this so far isolated sighting, this figure is sure to begin showing up regularly at Gamestop from here. This sighting was made in the US.
*takes a close look at the figure*
Oh so now they do gold paint.
Ironically, I just saw several copies at the Game-Stop in Pineville, Louisiana.
Tried to get it, but funds weren't supportive at the time.
Has a Power Sword, Dragon Dagger, and Blade Blaster in "Holster Storage/Tower Formation" mode.
"Alright. (cracks knuckles) Here - hold my beer!" ~Hasbro
While I’m stilled disappointed to see how the Legacy line just fizzled out, I’m glad to see the final product has gold colored bicep bands. I was totally expecting white bands since that’s what was shown in the promotional images and we know the Legacy line’s track record with accurate paint applications. I think I’ll add him to the collection mainly because I gave most every other Legacy line release.
With this being one of the final figures to make it to shelves I’m really bummed that Bandai never got around to doing Crimson and Navy Thunder Rangers, the Green Samurai Ranger, and especially the Silver Space Ranger... just let that sink in... we got Silver Psycho before we got the Silver Ranger...
While the line is not over yet, I’ve nearly given up all hope of seeing these rangers in figure form to complete their respective teams. Heck, at this point I doubt we’ll even see Psycho Pink and Yellow even get announced.
Here’s to hoping the lightning collection lives up to all the hype.
Very surprised this guy just wasn't released earlier. It's just the green ranger with two red ranger parts. Should have been an easy one for Bandai waves ago.
My only hope is the Lightning collection starts with the missing rangers from Ninjastorm and Space.
With this being one of the final figures to make it to shelves I’m really bummed that Bandai never got around to doing Crimson and Navy Thunder Rangers, the Green Samurai Ranger, and especially the Silver Space Ranger... just let that sink in... we got Silver Psycho before we got the Silver Ranger...
While the line is not over yet, I’ve nearly given up all hope of seeing these rangers in figure form to complete their respective teams. Heck, at this point I doubt we’ll even see Psycho Pink and Yellow even get announced.
Here’s to hoping the lightning collection lives up to all the hype.
I think Marvel Legends and Star Wars Black Series have set enough of a precedent for Hasbro's ability to make collector oriented 6" figures.
I've got mine pre-ordered so as soon as my store gets it on, ive got it. I'm glad to see that it will be the best looking "Jason" on my shelf. The smoky special plastic red mmpr and Zeo "black" just don't look as nice as I wanted this line to have. This one at least lives up to that original idea of what it's supposed to be.
Went and got that newbie, and he isn't that bad looking, but he isn't much different from the other Legacy Red Rangers either. Comes with 5 accessories, and the Dragon Shield is molded on and isn't removable.
Took some pictures for your viewing pleasure!
Took some pictures for your viewing pleasure!
Keep reading: Gamestop Exclusive Legacy Armored Red Ranger Released - Page 2
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