2020 is looking to be the year of Gridman, with Studio Trigger announcing the show’s return with a second SSSS.Gridman show next year and to compliment this series, a new stage play was just announced.
According to AnimeNewsNetwork Fumiya Matsauzaki will be directing this stage play and handling the script is Yume Mizusawa. Other cast details include Ryoosuke Akashi as Samurai Calibur, Masafumi Yokoyama as Max, Nagato Okui as Borr, and finally Bishin Kawasumi as Vit.
The play will run from May 7th to the 10th in Tokyo’s Zenorosai Hall/Space Zero’s Kokumin Kyosai Coop Hall and then at Cool Japan Park Osaka TT Hall in Osaka from May 17th to the 17th.
Other details about this stage play aren’t known, but we’ll be sure to notify you once more details become available.
Well, this is interesting:
I wonder if there will be an opportunity for us non-Japanese people to see this.
No wait, better question: Can I partake in it? I was a mighty fine sixth dwarf in our elementary school play rendition of "Snow White". I have red hair too; I could be Yuta’s stunt double! I won’t complain if I get stabbed with hobby knives by mentally unstable girls either, I swear!
Full Thread: SSSS.Gridman Stage Play Announced!
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