It just wouldn’t be a show without the Power Rangers Super Megaforce there to promote their new product and their new show! Our crew was able to have the Rangers stop and pose for some pictures. Check them out after the jump!
by Chris under Conventions, Power Rangers, Toy Fair
It just wouldn’t be a show without the Power Rangers Super Megaforce there to promote their new product and their new show! Our crew was able to have the Rangers stop and pose for some pictures. Check them out after the jump!
Toy Fair 2014 - Bandai Power Rangers
Why is Titanus there? Are they redoing him? How much?
Armoured Might Silver Ranger? Touché BoA.

Also, goddamn legacy Titanus. That means I definitely have to buy the other 2
I do not see a finished and painted version of that 2ft Megazord they kept showing off at conventions. That can't be a good sign....
I am digging all the Red Ranger figures and Titanus though!
Legacy Titanus confirmed. Nice!
I really like the apparent packaging for those Red Rangers. Never thought we'd see the old triangle boxes again.
The silver ranger's trident looks so small but still look cool.
They variety in that 5" action figure line is pretty impressive. Makes it all the more disappointing that they are totally isolated scale-wise. I'm just not buying into another scale. If they were 4", I would buy. If they were Figuarts compatible, I would buy. But they're not really completing teams or anything here and they don't fit in with anything else, so I regretfully pass.
Titanus looks awesome. The Dragonzord staff formation looks a little big to me, but overall, the Legacy line looks great.
I don't know what those triangular-shaped packages are for, but they totally appeal to my sense of nostalgia. I only wish they were putting something in them that I couldn't resist buying. I just don't need another white and red ranger in some random scale. It would have been cooler if they re-did or made some new figures in the same style of the original 8" line. Some of them fetch absurd prices these days, so some re-releases or new releases would have been great.
The Legacy Titanus looks fantastic.
All those five-inch figures look awesome. If I were to choose which ones I would get, I would get Red Alien, Titanium Ranger, Quantum Ranger, and especially Red Lost Galaxy Ranger since it didn't get released last year for the four-inch line.
Oh man Furaimaru does not look good at all.
Fortunately all of my attention's on the Dragonzord and Titanus, both of which are looking awesome, and the latter particularly beautiful.
Keep reading: Bandai at TF 2014 - Page 2
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