“Magnet Change!”
We’ve returned with another retro gallery from one of my favorites toylines ever for Toku Toy Box! That of Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack! You may recall that last December the inaugural gallery in this series was the shows’ lead character Robotack, well today we’re taking a look at his companion and equally awesome super robot, Magnet Change Kamerock! For a broader explanation of the series itself, feel free to read through my previous Robotack gallery linked to above.
Kamerock is yet another wonderful example of one of my favorite toylines. With the Magnet Change/ジシャックチェンジ gimmick on full display when using another figure in the line, you can see just how addictive it is. Kamerock is a Wonder Turtle type robot with a pretty innocent looking Normal Mode, but a beefy bruiser of a Super Mode. You can see how he interacts with his companion Robotack, in the full gallery below.
We’ve attached a selection of images to this post, but you can view the full 40 image gallery by clicking “Discuss on the TokuNation Forums” at the bottom of this post. We’ll be back in 2 days with another new gallery for Toku Toy Box!
We've returned with another retro gallery from one of my favorites toylines ever, that of Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack! You may recall that last December the inaugural gallery in this series was the shows' lead character Robotack, well today we're taking a look at his companion and equally awesome super robot, Magnet Change Kamerock!
** For a broader explanation of the series itself, feel free to read through my previous Robotack gallery linked to above.
Basically we have the exact same style box & styrofoam tray that Robotack did. The only difference for Kamerock are the release number, colors, and stock photos. Just superficial stuff really. Differing from the Kabutack releases of the previous year, Magnet Change figures are larger and heftier. So the heavy duty styrofoam is welcome to support the weight. Kamerock (like all other releases in this line) comes packaged in his Super Mode. We'll take him back to Normal Mode first to get the review underway though.
I should mention that also a small label sheet meant to accessorize the figure is included, though I've never actually used them. i've been waiting to have repros made for years, eventually I'll get around to it. A flyer advertising the Land Tool mail away exclusive is also included (a figure which I have). These were the good old days of toku toys though. When you collected points to mail away for new figures. Lastly a toy catalog, is included. It features contemporary toku releases from Seiju Sentai Gingaman, Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack, Ultraman Dyna, & Godzilla.
Main Figure
Basically this line is almost identical across the board. If you checked out my last gallery then you know that all of these figures featured a revolutionary transformation system called Magnet Change/ジシャックチェンジ. You begin with 7 components, legs arms head tail & torso. Each of the sockets on the central body has a port with a magnetic plate in it. The corresponding limbs likewise have a magnet of the opposite polarity. But to get started we'll need to remove the Super Mode head and collapse the turtle shell together. Now each of the limbs can be plugged in normally. But make sure to collapse the legs and rotate the feet the proper direction first, as well as rotating the arms. Kamerock is an upright turtle so he needs to be angled properly. His appropriately, and incredibly named gun, the Kamerazooka, will fold up to form a tail of sorts in one shoulder socket while the combo Normal/Super head will go in the other for this modes head.
Kamerock Normal Mode is a short squat robot known as a Wonder Turtle type in the shows terminology. A fun and cute design that definitely played well with children in the 90's. In this form he can't do much other than rotate his arms. Which have I mentioned is incredible? There are grooves on the limbs and sockets that hold the cylinder in the shoulder in a locked position but the arms can rotate on an axis on the end. It's just a genius design. I also have to mention this figure is HEAVY. A majority of the torso is solid painted diecast metal. Imagine the difference between early G1 Transformers and current lines like Titans Return. Then you'll understand just how radically different the construction of this toyline is in comparison.
To get Kamerock into Super Mode detach everything again and start fresh. Unlike Robotack the transformation isn't quite as complex, but still very fun. The legs just need to be unlocked & extended fully up. Then the toes need to be rotated pointing out the same direction as the knee pad, then just plug them into the bottom of the torso. Next pull apart the halves of the turtle shell upand diagonally until they lock securely in place. The arms can just plugged into the shoulder sockets as they don't really transform. Then attach the turtle head to the center of the back and rotate the robot mode head down into the neck cavity. Arm him with the Kamerazooka and that's Kamerock Super Mode!
In this form Kamerock stands significantly taller and has some really chunky proportions, unlike Robotack, who looks generally more heroic. As with all of the other figures in this line he towers over many more modern figures and even his contemporaries. The previous years' Kabutack line was overall much smaller. But Kamerock Super Mode just looks awesome. Find me a better more awesome looking turtle robot, I challenge you! But seriously this is the figures' strongest form. Unlike Robotack who's honestly quite good in either mode, Kamerack has a mostly forgettable Normal Mode but a very nice looking Super Mode. Articulation is basically non-existent though, being limited to the elbows and some minor use in the knees. Really he's a brick, but a gorgeous, hefty, sturdy brick. Another of my favorite vintage pieces.
The Magnet Change gimmick of the line also winds up on full display with these figures in their Super Modes as everyone can interchange limbs freely. I've included some shots of Kamerock's budy Robotack below to showcase how the 2 look when magnet changed. The Magnet Change gimmick is a brilliant precursor to the types of form switching that abound in tokusatsu toys today, and for me it's sorely missed. However it also doesn't work very well in any of the characters Normal Modes as you'll see below.
Technically there aren't really any accessories included with Kamerock. All of his "parts" are integral to both modes. But the Kamerazooka can technically be considered one. While it's not a terribly powerful looking sidearm, it's befitting of Kamerock's Super Mode. It kind of looks like a bubble gun to me honestly. None of these figures really have true accessories but there is an accessory set with Mimeena and the Power Arms which includes weapons that can be used by any compatible figure.
Final Thoughts
The toyline of Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack is still one of my all time favorites. The engineering of Magnet Change gimmick still blows me away. And while Kamerock may not be as complex or satisfying as the figure that started the line, he's more than deserving of a spot in your collection. This line is fantastic.
This is adorable. I love it.
I didn't even know these existed but they do look pretty cool.
Nice to see we're returning to old familiar territory. Kamerock looks adorable and is pretty cool as well.
The magnet switching gimmick for limbs is also pretty cool as well. It's nice to see some examples of it.
Love these!
Aside from that last gallery featuring them, I had no idea about these guys, but they do look really good. Love the whole magnet system.
Like it reminds of and old school transformer
Not too familiar with these guys tbh, but they look pretty adorable.
The combining gimmick is pretty cute.
I love transformable toys! I think that's why I love Super Sentai/Power Rangers so much!
These are sooo cute! <3
Adorable looking turtle that transforms into a strong looking robot not to be messed with!
I love all of these galleries! I've discovered many shows and figures I didn't know anything about! It helps to expand my knowledge about Toku.
Keep reading: Magnet Change Kamerock Gallery - Page 2
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