Yet another dual tribute to Hideaki Anno’s upcoming Shin Godzilla/Godzilla Resurgence and his prolific anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion has just been revealed!
Releasing in January 2017 is S.H.MonsterArts Godzilla Feat. EVA-01! Similar in nature to the recently revealed Mecha Godzilla Eva 01 Version vinyl, this figure is a cross promotion for the upcoming theatrical release of Shin Godzilla. This particular release is based on the Godzilla 1994 monsterart which is pretty cool considering the following year is when Evangelion premiered. This version of Godzilla is done up in iconic Eva Unit 01 color scheme which oddly gives him the appearance of wearing a green bikini. (Try unseeing that!)
S.H.MonsterArts Godzilla Feat. EVA-01 will be released as a Tamashii Web Exclusive for 9936 yen.
Guyver Spawn says
Tamashii Nations has a color design for the S.H MonsterArts Godzilla. Just when you think that you can not get enough Godzilla x Evagelion merchandise.
Phantom Stranger says
Perfect for people that want Godzilla wearing a green body paint bikini.
Kiryu says
Omg can't unsee now
XW1n5t0nX says
So Eva unit 1 colored like Godzilla when?
EpsilonX says
I need this.
kollekxon says
Really? ... and Nope.
at least they are still producing figures... but this .... ?
Dr Kain says
Oh my god, that is the dumbest thing ever. Thanks for wasting another spot on a non-Showa monster Bandai.
Phantom Stranger says
I don't think Bandai has some limit on the number of figures they do. A yearly budget, sure. But I doubt the cost of a new paint job and a new box on an already existing mould would equal out to the production costs for making a whole new figure, like MechaGodzilla or Gorosaurus, especially considering the premium nature and high price point of this item. It's a very, very niche thing that probably had little impact on anything else they might consider.
But I admit, that's just speculation on my part. I don't work in nor know a whole lot about the toy industry outside of certain outdated stigmas.
nikinaga says
This can go away at anytime. I would have prefered the go with kiryu for something like this seeings as it has some more things in common with eva 01, but this is a definite pass.
ZeoRangerV says
Looks dumb, but I'm not surprised it exists nor do I doubt the fact that it'll probably sell like hot cakes. With that in mind its a pretty smart move from Bandai.
Keep reading: S.H.MonsterArts Godzilla feat.EVA-01 - Page 2
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