“Reddo Fight!”
In 1972, Tsuburaya Productions commissioned a new spin-off from their popular Ultra Series. Curious, quirky, and quite violent, Redman joined the Nippon TV Ohayo! Kodomo variety show. Serialized in 138 5-minute episodes, Redman faced off against countless Kaiju from across the various Ultra series which had aired by this time. Mercilessly, Redman would dispatch these Kaiju with little to no context outside of what magazine text stories and interviews could provide.
Flash forward to 2018, the superstar creative team of Matt Frank & Goncalo Lopes have resurrected this red warrior for a brand new series of Graphic Novels. The first of which, Redman: The Kaiju Hunter Volume 1, was recently released in July. Taking this obscure but classic character and helping to re-imagine his backstory as so much more than it was previously, Frank & Lopes have crafted a modern classic.
Here at TokuNation we were fortunate enough to be provided a promotional copy of Volume 1 for review. Click “Discuss on the TokuNation Forums” at the bottom of this post and you can read our full review of Redman: The Kaiju Hunter! Let us know what you think of the series if you’ve had a chance to read it as well!