Over the course of 20 total weeks, TokuNation.com will be showcasing what our users voted as the Top 20 Power Rangers of All Time! There was no special criteria for voting – we just asked YOU who YOU thought was the best, and you voted! So what are we waiting for?!
The users of TokuNation.com have voted Valerie Vernon, who played Kendrix Morgan the Pink Ranger on Power Rangers Lost Galaxy as the 17th Best Power Ranger of All Time!
Click the title bar to read up on the character known as Kendrix Morgan, as well as what’s up with the actor who played her, Valerie Vernon! What are you waiting for? Check out images and the history of the first Power Ranger to ever fall in the line of duty!
GO GALACTIC!!PLEASE NOTE!:[/u] Because of our upcoming coverage of San Diego Comic Con 2013, the TokuNation.com Users Top 20 Power Rangers Of All Time feature will not be updated next weekend.