TokuChris continues his on site reporting from New York Toy Fair 2020! This round we have a ton of images straight from the Bluefin Brands/Team Rider booth! Feast your eyes on Kamen Rider & Ultraman!
CSM Kivat Belt & Tatsulot
S.H. Figuarts
Ultraman (Netflix)
Ultraman Suit Ver 7 (Netflix)
Bemular (Netflix)
Shinkocchou Seihou Kamen Rider Kuuga (Decade Ver)
Kamen Rider Shikishi Vol 5
Converge Kamen Rider Wave 17
DX Lost Driver (Ver 20th)
DX Decadriver (Ver 20th)
S.H. Monsterarts
Godzilla (KOM)
Burning Godzilla (KOM)
Kamen Rider Ghost Ore Damashii
Kamen Rider Fourze Base States
Be sure to come back later today as we begin full coverage of Hasbro’s Brand Preview Event as well. Their live stream presentation begins at 1:30 PM EST!
Our team is en route to the show! Use this thread to discuss the rumors, reveals and anything else related to ToyFair 2020.
Godzilla figures from NECA.
Also what better way to celebrate than with the start of Super Beast Morphers on tv?
For $45 US? Fucking sold.
First up, Nano Metal Figs from Jada toys!
Wait, Bluefin's gonna start bringing the Shikishis over?
I'd love to get those, they're beautiful pieces.
I am so mixed on how to feel about that mini fig set. They look so cool yet what would do with them.
It looks like a nice homage to the original minifigures from the original MMPR toylines.
For $45 US? Fucking sold.
A cute thing I’ve seen: The next wave of Lego Minifigures has a generic Power Ranger / Sentai Hero in it.

Keep reading: TokuNations' Official ToyFair 2020 Discussion Thread - Page 2
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