Loyal Subjects has just dropped in to share some finalized official images and release info for their upcoming series of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Action Vinyls Wave 1!
This assortment contains 10 unique figures: Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Black Ranger, Green Ranger, White Ranger, Goldar, Rita Repulsa, & Lord Zedd. Wave 1 can also be purchased in 1 of 3 ways via their website:
- Wave 1 Display Case- Includes 16 random blind boxed figures which will include doubles and the possibility of Chase Variants. Chase figures consist of one mystery Ranger and two other chase figures.
- Wave 1 Bundle of 8- Includes 8 random blind boxed figures with the possibility of doubles and chase variants.
- Wave 1 Blind Box Singles- Individual blind boxes selected at random. Still a chance of getting a chase figure.
So that’s 3 ways for you to collect these figures and they’re all available for pre-order at the Loyal Subjects website in the included links above!