Once again we’ve come upon the time of year we love most. Time for the members and staff of TokuNation.com to celebrate their respective holidays with their loved ones. But it’s also time for TokuNation to celebrate. Our little community is about to hit yet another milestone, our 4 year anniversary!! January 4th 2016, will officially mark 4 years of TokuNation growing & evolving into the open and fun community it’s become. As we’ve done in the past we want nothing more than to continue to grow this community. To strengthen the bonds it’s helped forge. To continue to bring you up to date news, rumors, images, videos, podcasts, and the welcoming community atmosphere you’ve all come to know. But we also want to bring you just 1 more thing.
Our annual Toku Toy Box Giveaway! Like years past TokuNation is hosting an annual holiday giveaway open to ALL users! You’ll recall that for last years’ giveaway users could post in a selection of galleries within the contest period to automatically be entered into the drawing for 1 of 4 prize packs. And this year is no different! To show our appreciation to you, the community, we’ve assembled 4 incredible prize packs spanning Power Rangers, Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Godzilla, Ultraman, and more!
Click “Discuss on the TokuNation Forums” at the bottom of this post to be taken to the OFFICIAL RULES and prize pack breakdowns of Toku Toy Box 2015! For now though, thank you. Thanks to all of you who continue to call this place your home for news, discussion, images, sales, friendships, artwork, videos, podcasts, and everything else in between. Happy Holidays from all of us, and best of luck in our giveaway! It’s our gift to you this and every holiday season!